
[업데이트 소식] 4월 2주차 - 무료강의 취소 + 거래명세서 📃

인프런 운영팀 자미입니다.

그동안 정~말 요청이 많았던 기능으로 찾아왔어요.
이번 업데이트 소식은 무료 강의 취소 기능거래명세서 기능입니다.
(📫 잠깐! 업데이트 소식 하단에서 이달의 질문왕도 공개하니 꼭 확인해주세요.)

NEW  무료 강의 취소 + 거래명세서 

무료 강의를 학습하고 나서, 내 강의목록 정리 등 다양한 이유로 <무료 강의 취소> 기능을 요청하신 분들이 정말 많았어요. 그동안 강의 취소 기능이 없어 강의 숨김 기능을 활용하셨을 거에요. 이제부터는! 무료 강의를 직접 취소할 수 있어요.

유료 강의 구매 후 발급되는 '영수증' 뿐만 아니라 <거래명세서>까지 발급받을 수 있어요. 지출 증빙이 필요하신 분이라면 거래명세서 기능을 적극적으로 활용해 보세요.

● 무료 강의 취소기능
- 내 강의에서 직접 수강 취소할 수 있어요. 단, 무료 강의만 수강 취소 가능해요.
- 강의 별 하단의 - 버튼을 눌러보세요! 
- 이제 숨김 기능 대신 취소 기능을 활용해 내 강의 페이지를 정리할 수 있어요.

● 거래명세서 기능 
- 유료 강의를 결제한 경우, 영수증과 거래명세서를 확인할 수 있어요.
- [내 구매 내역] 과 주문명 - [구매 상세 내역]을 통해서 확인해보세요.
  ※ 네이버페이로 결제한 경우, 영수증은 네이버페이에서 확인 가능!

내 구매 내역 - 거래명세서 - 보기 클릭하면 PDF 파일이 생성됩니다.

🎉 3월의 질문왕을 공개합니다. 🎉
 igbtkd 님 축하드립니다!
3월, 가장 많은 유저의 하트(💜) 를 받아 이달의 질문왕으로 선정되셨습니다.
감사의 마음을 담아, 인프런 잎 포인트 선물로 보내드릴게요. 앞으로도 묻고 답하기에 좋은 질문 남겨주시면 질문왕을 선정해 소정의 선물을 드릴게요. 여러분의 많은 참여 부탁드려요!

다들 이번 주도 즐겁게 보내셨나요?
다가오는 주말도 건강하고 행복하게 보내시길 바랄게요.

인프런 드림

인프런에서 묻고 답하며 함께 성장해요-!

소라연 프로필
소라연 2021.04.09 기간 만료된 강의를 숨기고 싶은데요 강의 숨김 기능은 삭제된건가요?
식빵 프로필
식빵 2021.04.10 이거 진짜 왜 안 생기나 했는데 ㅎㅎ 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
hjoo 프로필
2021.04.12 @소라연 기간만료된 강의에 대해서도 편하게 하실 수 있도록 마련해 볼게요!! 감사합니다!
youngjoon kim 프로필
youngjoon kim 2021.04.13 무료 강의 중에서도 강의 취소 버튼이 활성화 되어있는게 있고 아닌게 있어요
운영팀 프로필
2021.04.21 @youngjoon kim 님, 안녕하세요. 최근 오래된 무료 강의도 취소할 수 있도록 개선되었습니다. 혹시 아직 활성화되지 않은 강의가 있다면 1:1 문의하기로 남겨주시면 확인해보도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다!
kcw28 프로필
kcw28 2021.05.02 전에 수강 했는데, 평생강의라 했는데, 다시 강의 들을려니깐, 다시 수강 하라는데요?. 원상 복구시켜주세요 jsp웹 쇼핑몰 프로그래밍
royal eaglepries6 프로필
royal eaglepries6 2022.12.03 ꧁꧂+2349022657119꧁꧂ ∆¶ I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY POWER AND FAME..$$ RITUAL..££..ETC. Are you a man or woman, business man, business woman or an artist,Politicians, student and you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today in the great royaleaglepriest, you shall be given an ideal chance to visit the royaleaglepriest brotherhood that temple and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life is needed, royaleaglepriest brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. it only a member who is been initiated into the temple of the great royaleaglepriest have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact any body you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. we also help out our member in protection and links in drugs pushing and other businesses for fast wealth without risk, you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life and your family and any body close to you. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO: want to join occult in Nigeria’ want to join real occult in Ghana’ want to join occult in Africa to be rich’ want to join an occult for money and power’ want to join an occult for wealth and protection’ want to join good occult fraternity in Nigeria’ want to join great temple of royaleaglepriest in Nigeria to be rich’ want to join Royaleaglepriest brotherhood occult in Nigeria Africa’ want to join secret society occult in Nigeria’ want to make money through spiritual wayswant to join occult in Nigeria’ want to join real occult in Ghana’ want to join occult in Africa to be rich’ want to join an occult for money and power’ want to join an occult for wealth and protection’ want to join good occult fraternity in Nigeria’ to make money want to join great temple of royaleaglepriest in Nigeria to be rich’ want to join Royaleaglepriest brotherhood occult in Nigeria Africa’ want to join secret society occult in Nigeria’ want to join illuminati want to be rich and famous want to make money want to win election want to acquire a position want to be wealthy and powerful in life how can i join secret society or cult to make money how can join occult for riches i want to be rich but i don’t know how etc. how do i do money ritual how do i join good occult that will not affect me and my family forever or ask questions like… ‘I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN NIGERIA’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN REAL OCCULT IN GHANA’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY RITUAL’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN AFRICA TO BE RICH’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN GOOD OCCULT FRATERNITY IN NIGERIA GHANA’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN GREAT ILLUMINATI IN NIGERIA FOR RICHES’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN ROYALEAGLEPRIEST OCCULT IN NIGERIA OR GHANA’ ‘I WANT TO JOIN ROYALEAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD IN NIGERIA OR GHANA’ HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN NIGERIA’ HOW TO JOIN REAL OCCULT IN GHANA’ HOW TO JOIN OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY’ HOW TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY’ HOW TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY RITUAL’ HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN AFRICA TO BE RICH’ HOW TO JOIN GOOD OCCULT FRATERNITY IN NIGERIA GHANA’ HOW TO JOIN GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIEST IN NIGERIA FOR RICHES’ HOW TO JOIN ROYALEAGLEPRIEST OCCULT IN NIGERIA OR GHANA’ HOW TO JOIN ROYALEAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD IN NIGERIA OR GHANA HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN NIGERIA HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN GHANA HOW TO MAKE MONEY BY JOINING OCCULT HOW TO MAKE MONEY BY JOINING ROYALEAGLEPRIEST we are now here for you. we are now here for you this is the full opportunity given to the wise people in Africa Are you frustrated in life. What type of wealth do you want? Today the royaleaglepriest brotherhood that has order us to bring member to his kingdom. Are you tired of poverty and now you want fame,power and riches.Our magical powers are beyond your imagination. we could do magic on your behalf regarding , your financial situation, future events, or whatever is important to you. we have the power and we use the power. we are royaleaglepriest occult brotherhood and we could change the course of destiny. Get to us and we shall help you. Tell us what it is you want and we shall go about our work. Is it someone or something you desire to have? Do you want wealth(Want to grow your bank account?, Need funds to enjoy the good life? Tired of working hard and getting nothing, the most power society welcomes you to royaleaglepriest occult brotherhood We are popularly known as the royaleaglepriest brotherhood that occult Brotherhood and we don’t send agents to recruit people if they have not confirmed by our organization so please ignore anyone claiming to be an agent of our organization recruiting people, they are fraudsters who only want to frustrate your life, they are not in anyway affiliated to the royaleaglepriest family, please be aware of this so you don’t lay your blames on the royaleaglepriest Brotherhood you can only be contacted when your materials needed for your initiation has been confirmed by our supreme grand masters. The royaleaglepriest Brotherhood offers wealth, fame, power, protection, knowledge And any other thing you wish for. Including a tax free life, free medical attention, a free pass to travel around the world like every other member, emotional and creative lectures, to improve your mind. We have been doing this for years.We watches everything nothing is hidden from us.We are everywhere, We have members all over the world, we rule this world Throughout our organization’s history, many citizens have inaccurately portrayed us in a negative manner. These misconceptions have been perpetuated for centuries through videos, photos, articles, books, and unofficial online resources claiming to understand our mission and members. In creating this online destination, we hope to alleviate the concerns voiced by your governments and people and seek to provide insight into our goals. We invite you, the human citizens, to discover more about our organization and to understand your role in this planetary union because the establishment of the new world order is about to begin, that is why we are giving the this equal opportunity to everyone who is interested in joining our organization. Are you a POLITICIAN, ENGINEER, FASHION DESIGNER, ATHLETE, DOCTOR, ENTERTAINER, MODEL, GRADUATE STUDENT WITH GOOD SKILLS, OR YOU HAVE IT IN MIND TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS. ETC.
채널톡 아이콘