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설치과정 질문

21.12.26 20:50 작성 조회수 203


안녕하세요 맛비님

이번에 강의를 듣게된 학생입니다.

설치 강의 영상 22분 58초 나오는데로 입력을 하였는데

You have to accept the EULA to proceed with this installation. To accept the EULA, specify the option --agree XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms

usage: xsetup [-a <arg>] [-b <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-e <arg>] [-h] [-l <arg>]

       [-p <arg>] [-x]

Xilinx Installer - Command line argument list.

 -a,--agree <arg>      Agree to the required terms and conditions.


 -b,--batch <arg>      Runs installer in batch mode and executes the

                       specified action. Valid actions are [AuthTokenGen,

                       ConfigGen, Install, Uninstall, Add, Update].

                       AuthTokenGen is used to generate an authentication

                       token that will be used by the batch mode

                       webinstaller to download install content. ConfigGen

                       is used to generate a config file as described

                       below. Install is use for a fresh installation.

                       Uninstall is for uninstalling an existing

                       installation. Add is for adding tools or devices to

                       an existing installation. Update is for installing

                       an update release from Xilinx.

 -c,--config <arg>     File defining install configuration. It is

                       recommended to use a configuration file for batch

                       install. To generate a configuration file, run

                       xsetup -b ConfigGen. This file will contain the

                       default install selections, which you can then

                       change as needed by setting a value to 1(select) or

                       0(de-select) within the file. It is recommended

                       that you generate this reference for each new

                       quarterly release, so that new devices, tools,

                       options or other changes will be accounted for in

                       your configuration file.

 -e,--edition <arg>    Name of the edition that should be installed. This

                       option is not needed if using -c with a config file

                       since the edition is included in the config file.

 -h,--help             Display this help text.

 -l,--location <arg>   The destination location of the installation. This

                       option is not needed if using -c with a config file

                       since the location is included in the config file.

 -p,--product <arg>    Name of the product that should be installed. This

                       option is not needed if using -c with a config file

                       since the product is included in the config file.

 -x,--xdebug           Run installer in debug mode





Generate authentication token: xsetup -b AuthTokenGen


Generate a config file: xsetup -b ConfigGen  (generate and modify as



Install using a config file: xsetup -a

XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms -b Install -c install_config.txt.


If you do not wish to use a config file, you must provide the -l and -e.

The -e choices for a given release can be found by generating a config

file and copying the edition name from the resulting config file. When you

do not use a config file, the default install options will be used for

your installation.


Example installing without a config file: xsetup --agree

3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms,XilinxEULA --batch Install --edition "SDx

Development Environments" --location "C:\Xilinx".


The batch mode also supports uninstallation and upgrades (adding

additional tools and devices). For example, if you install the Xilinx

software to <user home>/Xilinx, go to <user



To uninstall: xsetup -b Uninstall.


To add devices or tools: xsetup -b Add -a

XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms -c <configfile>.


설치가 진행되지 않고 다음과 같은 문구가 떠서 질문 드립니다.

어디서 문제가 발생한건지 궁금합니다.

답변 1

답변을 작성해보세요.


안녕하세요 :)

다음 링크가 도움이 되실꺼에요. (버전업이 되면서 발생하는 문제에요)


가이드북을 꼭 참고 부탁드립니다 :)

헉.. 용량이 부족한가보네요 ㅠㅠ

비우시던지 아니면, D drive 같은 다른 드라이브가 있으시면,

가이드북에 다음 부분 참고해보셔요.

채널톡 아이콘