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[Mac OS]Vagent up 실행중 아래와 같은 에러가 발생합니다

21.11.05 15:13 작성 조회수 222


==> m-k8s-1.20: Checking if box 'sysnet4admin/CentOS-k8s' version '0.7.4' is up to date..
'. ==> m-k8s-1.20: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
The specified host network collides with a non-hostonly network! This will cause your specified IP to be inaccessible. Please change the IP or name of your host only network so that it no longer matches that of a bridged or non-hostonly network.
Bridged Network Address: ''
Host-only Network 'en0: Wi-Fi (Wireless)': ''

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