Printing from a part of a string without knowing its position

22.07.07 16:29 작성 조회수 76


I'm trying to create a Discord bot that display Epic free games using data from an RSS feed:

import feedparser

epicfeed = feedparser.parse("")

and it outputs a very long description

If you weren't around for Epicmas 2020, you're getting another chance to claim Cities: Skylines for free from the Epic store.<br /><br /><a class="bb_link" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Link</a><span class="bb_link_host">[]</span><br /><br />Details:<br />- Account/DRM required: Epic Games (NOT Steam)<br />- Offer good through March 17, 1600 GMT<br />- <a class="bb_link" href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Steam store page</a> for evaluation<br /><br />There are also three always free DLC to claim once you have the base game: Match Day, Pearls from the East, and Carols, Candles and Candy.<br /><br />Next week: In Sound Mind.<br /><br />LH<br />So... it's not a movie tie-in alien invasion DLC for the FTP game Cities?
I'm trying separate this Epicgames direct link (

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