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PC 레지스터의 설명 부분에 오류가 있는 것 같습니다.

20.12.30 01:59 작성 조회수 199


안녕하세요? 기선님

영상에서 작은 오류를 발견한 것 같은데요. PC 레지스터는 현재 실행중인스트럭션의 주소가 저장되는 게 맞는 듯합니다.

The pc Register

The Java Virtual Machine can support many threads of execution at once (JLS §17). Each Java Virtual Machine thread has its own pc (program counter) register. At any point, each Java Virtual Machine thread is executing the code of a single method, namely the current method (§2.6) for that thread. If that method is not native, the pc register contains the address of the Java Virtual Machine instruction currently being executed. If the method currently being executed by the thread is native, the value of the Java Virtual Machine's pc register is undefined. The Java Virtual Machine's pc register is wide enough to hold a returnAddress or a native pointer on the specific platform.

(출처: 오라클)

답변 2


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