[인프런 워밍업 클럽 BE 0기] 4일차 과제

[인프런 워밍업 클럽 BE 0기] 4일차 과제


문제 1


먼저 데이터베이스 테이블을 생성한다.

create table fruit (
        id bigint auto_increament,
        name varchar(25),
        warehousingDate date,
        price long,
        primary key (id)


컨트롤러 과일 저장 코드

public class FruitController {

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public FruitController(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

    // 문제 1
    public void saveFruit(@RequestBody Fruit fruit) {
        String sql = "insert into fruit (name, warehousingDate, price) values (?, ?, ?)";
        jdbcTemplate.update(sql, fruit.getName(), fruit.getWareHousingDate(), fruit.getPrice());


과일 저장 DTO

public class Fruit {

    private String name;
    private LocalDate wareHousingDate;
    private long price;

    public Fruit(String name, LocalDate wareHousingDate, long price) {
        this.name = name;
        this.wareHousingDate = wareHousingDate;
        this.price = price;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public LocalDate getWareHousingDate() {
        return wareHousingDate;

    public long getPrice() {
        return price;



문제 2


  • table에 is_sold 컬럼 추가

  • Fruit 클래스에 isSold 필드 추가


컨트롤러에 코드 추가

    public void sellFruit(@RequestBody FruitSellRequest fruitSellRequest) {
        String sql = "UPDATE fruit set is_sold = true where id = ?";
        jdbcTemplate.update(sql, fruitSellRequest.getId());


과일 판매 DTO

public class FruitSellRequest {

    private long id;

    public FruitSellRequest(long id) {
        this.id = id;

    public long getId() {
        return id;



문제 3


컨트롤러에 과일 통계 요청 처리 메서드 추가

public Map<String, Long> fruitStat(@RequestParam String name) {
    long soldAmount = calculateSoldAmount(name);
    long unsoldAmount = calculateUnsoldAmount(name);

    Map<String, Long> result = new HashMap<>();
    result.put("soldAmount", soldAmount);
    result.put("unsoldAmount", unsoldAmount);

    return result;

public long calculateSoldAmount(String name) {
    String sql = "select sum(price) from fruit where name = ? and is_sold = true";
    return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new Object[]{name}, Long.class);

public long calculateUnsoldAmount(String name) {
    String sql = "select sum(price) from fruit where name = ? and is_sold = false";
    return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new Object[]{name}, Long.class);

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