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puppeth 이름 설정 오류

19.04.13 14:39 작성 조회수 228


PS C:UsersuBlockchain> puppeth


Welcome to puppeth, your Ethereum private network manager

This tool lets you create a new Ethereum network down to

the genesis block, bootnodes, miners and ethstats servers

without the hassle that it would normally entail.

Puppeth uses SSH to dial in to remote servers, and builds

its network components out of Docker containers using the

docker-compose toolset.


Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, hyphens or capital letters please)


[31mERROR[0m[04-13|14:35:55.321] I also like to live dangerously, still no spaces, hyphens or capital letters


[31mERROR[0m[04-13|14:36:49.935] I also like to live dangerously, still no spaces, hyphens or capital letters

MyNetwork로 동일하게 넣었는데 에러가 발생하고 있습니다..ㅠㅠ

이름 설정을 어떻게 하면 될까요?

답변 1

답변을 작성해보세요.


geth측에서 대문자 입력안되게 바꿨네요.. 도대체 이런건 왜 자꾸 바꾸는건지.. 그냥 mynetwork로 하시면 될 것 같습니다.

채널톡 아이콘