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인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Data Science


Data Analysis

Data Analyst Career: From Side Projects to Public Speaking [Monthly Datalian Seminar Replay | December 2022]

Are you wondering how to decide on a topic for your data analysis side project and what data to use? You can get some hints at this December seminar!

42 students are taking this course


This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • Data Analysis Side Project Case Study

  • Data Analysis Public Speaking Case Study

Over 3,600 cumulative applicants!
Watch the hotly anticipated webinar in video format.

📢 Please check before taking the class!

  • This lecture is a recorded video of the live seminar “Data Analyst Career: From Side Projects to Public Speaking” held in December 2022.
  • Includes responses to real-time chat that comes up during the live presentation.

In December, we'll be covering data analyst career stories!
Monthly Datalian Seminar 🎤

Datalian Seminar in December is 🔍

I recommend this to those who are having these concerns

  • If you have no data to analyze, can you create the data yourself?
  • Anyone who wants to see some fun data analysis side project examples
  • Anyone who wants to get tips to make their data analyst career richer and more diverse
  • If you are curious about what Kakao Recommendation Team Data Analysts do,

📺 In January 2023, we'll be talking about the jobs of data analysts!

December Seminar Timeline

#1 - Non-major job seekers, from data collection to analysis!

Speaker Choi Seung-ah

  • Advertising brokerage platform business analyst / I am interested in user data and growth hacking. I did data analysis and project management for the MBTI-based Jeju Island travel destination recommendation project ('Which Jeju Island travel destination is right for me?').

'There is no data to analyze, but can't I create the data myself?' MBTI-based Jeju Island travel destination recommendation project, 'Which Jeju Island travel destination is right for me?' A non-major who directly carried out everything from web service planning to promotion, data collection, and analysis is here! I will share with you the reason why I started the project, the data collection and analysis process, and even the project-related stories I shared during the interview.

#2 - Enriching and Diversifying Your Data Analyst Career

Interviewee: Choi Kyu-min

  • Kakao Recommendation Team Data Analyst / My name is Choi Gyu-min, and I work for the Kakao Recommendation Team and I'm looking for good recommendations for users.

We interview Choi Kyu-min, who has been active in various fields, from running a steady blog to side projects and public speaking. You will get tips to make your data analyst career richer and more diverse. As a bonus, we will also hear about what data analysts do in a team that creates recommendation systems.

December Seminar
About the participants 📖

Song Hye-jeong Moderator

I worked as a data analyst at content company Ridibooks, and am currently the founder of Datalian, where I am engaged in data analysis and content production.

Choi Seung-ah, Part 1 Speaker

As an advertising brokerage platform business analyst, I am interested in user data and growth hacking. I did data analysis and project management for the MBTI-based Jeju Island travel destination recommendation project ('Which Jeju Island travel destination is right for me?').

Interview with Choi Kyu-min Part 1

My name is Choi Gyu-min, and I work for the Kakao Recommendation Team and I'm looking for good recommendations for users.

Yoon Seon-mi Conducting an interview

Starting with the presentation 'What kind of people do companies want to hire as data analysts?' at Data Yanolja in 2018, I have been consistently giving public speaking on data analysis, including the lecture 'Creating a service that grows with data without data infrastructure' at Infcon in 2022. I am very interested in the data analysis cases discussed at technology conferences.

Expected Questions Q&A 💬

Q. When is the monthly Datalian Live Seminar? Where can I apply?

You can check out the next month's seminar information on the Datalian website . You can also apply right away!

Q. Is there anything I need to prepare before listening?

No :D Anyone can hear it!

Q. Can I view the slides you used in the seminar separately?

Please check the slides at the link below!
December Seminar Slides:

Live participation review
If you're curious 👏

What was the most impressive thing you learned during the seminar?

  • I liked the story of a junior who started out as a non-major and just got a job, and the story of why a senior in the industry started analyzing.
  • I liked how the presenters spoke in detail and honestly about their experiences, including their job preparation process and side project reviews!
  • I was impressed by the interview experience of a rookie analyst and the analysis of the son's soccer performance by a senior analyst.
  • It was great to be able to compare my experience with the most recent hire's project.
  • I liked the part 1 lecture where you talked about everything from planning to employment.
  • Part 1: The speaker shared his thoughts on the process of finding a job, which was very relatable and helpful.
  • I was impressed by the idea that 'let's start small' and 'something that starts small can eventually grow and be completed'.
  • Doing is better than perfect! I thought that it is more important to put into practice even small things than to just worry about them.
  • Everything starts with 'why', and I was impressed by the part where it was said that it is better to try than to worry.
  • As a data analyst job seeker, I didn't know what kind of data to collect or where to collect it, but the part where you personally refined the Jeju Island data and carried out a project that required blood, sweat, and tears was the most impressive.
  • I thought I could only analyze existing data, but I was very impressed by the fact that I created a side project to collect and analyze the data myself.
  • It was great to hear about the employment process of fellow SQL Data Analysis Camp students.
  • I was impressed by the side project story in Part 2. It motivated me to choose a topic and do a project.
  • I liked how the interview with Choi Kyu-min was delivered in an interesting and important way. It also felt a bit more natural because it was conducted live.
  • I was very inspired by Gyu-min's stories about public speaking and side projects, which were very interesting topics.
  • I was inspired by the way they boldly took on the challenge of creating new products, continued to provide feedback, and successfully found jobs. I was also inspired by the way they persistently immersed themselves in their interests and connected all activities in their lives, such as seminars and childcare, to their careers.
  • It was great to see the activities of two speakers (junior and senior) with completely different positions on the topic of side projects! I think the content was rich because the two of them had something in common and something different.
  • Both speakers today talked about execution and intrinsic motivation, and I liked that part the most.
  • The way it was conducted was good, and the seminar content was closely related to the field, so I was able to clearly understand what I needed to prepare as a job seeker.

A word to Datalian!

  • Thank you for your hard work in planning and conducting great seminars every month in 2022! The motivation I get from these seminars sometimes helps with mental care during my job search, and it also gives me drive and ideas. I look forward to working with you again next year. Have a happy year-end :)
  • The seminar content was very informative, the structure was good and not boring, the timing was appropriate, and the moderator and interviewer were very good at conducting the event.
  • Thank you for always giving great seminar lectures! As a job seeker, the lecture contents are very helpful and I think it will be very useful information even after I get a job! I want to participate in the seminar next year too.
  • I happened to hear about it by chance, and I am very satisfied. I was able to gain insights from various people. Thank you.
  • Thank you for hosting this year's seminar. I have gained a lot of useful information by attending the seminar every month. Please continue to support us next year!
  • Thank you for always creating helpful seminars :)
  • Thank you for the great seminar! Please continue to hold various seminars in the future~
  • Thank you for holding such a great seminar! Thanks to you, I was able to gain a lot of information :)
  • Thank you for hosting a great seminar! I was able to learn a lot about how to start analyzing data. This was my first time attending, but I think I will attend more in the future!
  • Thank you for always providing fun and diverse topics :) Have a nice end of the year and see you next year~
  • Thank you so much for this seminar. When I get a job as a data analyst later, I want to become a Datalian seminar speaker!
  • This was my first time learning about Datalian and attending a seminar, and I really enjoyed it :)
  • I feel like I've gotten a lot of useful information from you today. I'm looking forward to next month's seminar!
  • Thank you for always providing great content.
  • I hope there will be many more opportunities to attend informative seminars in the future!

Monthly Datalian
Watch the last seminar together 📺

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • If you have no data to analyze, can you create the data yourself?

  • Anyone who wants to see some fun data analysis side project examples

  • Anyone who wants to get tips to make their data analyst career richer and more diverse

  • If you are curious about what Kakao Recommendation Team Data Analysts do,

This is











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4 lectures ∙ (1hr 40min)

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