인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
College Edu.



Basic Statistics with Excel

Statistics learned in school, was it too hard to understand? No matter how much you listened to the explanation, statistics were confusing, but we will help you understand them. If you implement them one by one by hand using Excel, you will understand statistical concepts that you didn't understand! A new experience that makes boring statistics fun! We will give you a gift. :)

(3.7) 6 reviews

68 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • A general understanding of basic statistics!

  • Statistical knowledge that you can learn by seeing it with your own eyes if you follow it step by step.

The logic behind basic statistical theory and statistical testing,
Understand while implementing in Excel 🔦

Lecture Topics 📖

Statistics class in school is really hard to understand, right? Especially the content about testing is confusing no matter how many times you hear it! In fact, the reason why statistics is difficult is because there is a lack of background understanding of why the theory came out. If you understand the background of statistical testing and study it, there is nothing more fun than statistics! :)

In this lecture, you will understand the properties of basic statistical indicators , the laws of large numbers and the central limit theorem that form the basis of statistics, and establish a solid concept of confidence intervals, statistical significance levels, and p-values . I created this course by filling it with my own teaching know-how that I have accumulated while teaching basic statistics to undergraduate students at American universities. Statistics are difficult! I will make it fun.

Unique features of this course 🪄

  • We help you develop the ability to understand difficult statistical theories on your own using Excel.
    • If you look at the files that implement the statistical theories you created one by one, you will be able to clearly understand the statistical theories that you had only vaguely felt.
  • We help you understand the properties of statistical indicators and gain the power to predict the distribution of your data .
  • With a clear understanding of statistical testing, you will be able to overcome your fear of advanced statistics .

I recommend this to these people 🙋‍♀️

Someone who feels better when they implement something themselves

People who learn by giving specific examples when studying

People who don't understand basic statistics and just memorize them

For those who want to know why they learn statistical theory

What you'll learn 📚

1) Random variables and samples
Create random variables by hand and learn about their properties. This will establish the concept of random variables and sampling. Create virtual coins using the RAND() function and learn about Bernoulli random variables.

2) Data visualization tools
Learn how to visualize given data in Excel. Learn pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, etc.

3) Statistical indicators that capture the center and spread of data
Learn statistical indicators that capture the nature of data distribution. Learn the concepts of mean, median, IQR, and variance. Understand the concepts of expected value and variance of random variables through visualization.

Learn about boxplots, which visualize the characteristics of a distribution using learned statistical metrics.

4) Digging into probability variables
Learn about the characteristics of random variables. Gain the concept of parameters and visualize each concept to gain a deeper understanding of random variables. Establish the concept of random variables and samples and understand the law of large numbers.

5) Statistical inference-based multiplication
We will focus on understanding the central limit theorem, which is the basis of statistical inference. We will learn about the properties of normal distributions and how to calculate probabilities.

6) Understanding statistical inference
Gain a deeper understanding of confidence intervals and the statistical estimation process.

7) Understanding statistical tests
Learn the terminology for statistical testing and understand the statistical testing process by implementing the entire process. Learn about statistical significance levels, rejection thresholds, p-values, etc.

Expected Questions Q&A 💬

Q. Is this a lecture that non-majors can also take?

You can think of this class as one that lays the foundation for non-statisticians to study like statistics majors.

Q. Do I need to be good at Excel before taking the course?

Since we teach using Excel, it would be good to have basic knowledge, but the lecture was conducted for those who do not have basic knowledge. We explain basic Excel functions and learn statistical knowledge by applying them, so prior knowledge of Excel is also not necessary :)

Q. What level of content is covered in the class?

It will raise your level from the very basics of statistics to the level where you can understand statistical testing theory. After taking this course, it will be very helpful if you take a mathematical statistics course at school.

Introducing the knowledge sharer ✒️

I would like to share with you, who are walking the same path as I, the things I have learned and realized while studying statistics. I hope that this will be a useful lecture that will satisfy some of your curiosity. Also, I hope that the footsteps I have taken before will be a little comforting to those who are walking the same path as I did.


  • Representative of Wise Statistics Life
  • (Current) Lecturer in Statistics at Korea University of Engineering and Technology
  • (Current) Samsung DS Division New Employee Job Training Statistics Basics Instructor
  • (Former) Sungkyunkwan University Graduate School of Insurance Accounting, Applied Statistics, Actuarial Risk Management Lecturer

Educational background

  • The University of Iowa, PhD in Statistics & Actuarial Science (ABD)
  • Master of Actuarial Science, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Bachelor of Science in Statistics and Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who are studying basic statistics for the first time

  • For those who want to study statistics visually through Excel

Need to know before starting?

  • Excel Basics (Recommended)

This is











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이삭 드림.

슬기로운통계생활 대표

The university of Iowa, Statistics & Actuarial science 박사과정 (ABD)

성균관대학교 보험계리학 석사

성균관대학교 통계, 산업공학 학사

 유튜브 채널: 슬기로운통계생활



41 lectures ∙ (6hr 20min)

Course Materials:

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