Datalian's SQL basics lecture with over 10,000 cumulative students and rich online/offline lecture experience. Learn SQL basics theory and solve 10 HackerRank problems together.
Importing data with SQL
SQL Basics that even people who have never coded before can learn
1500+ people chose SQL, seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times!
Learn quickly from the basics to practical application.
There are many SQL theory lectures, but why aren't there any lectures that allow me to develop real skills while solving problems?
Just as no matter how much you study English grammar, your English conversation skills will not improve if you don't actually have conversations,
You can't use SQL properly just by studying the grammar.
The basic SQL course aims to help students learn the grammar for the three most basic SQL functions (SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY) and then become familiar with writing queries by solving problems so that they can actually use the SQL grammar they have learned in their heads.
This course is helpful for those who want to immediately use SQL in their work and those who are preparing for SQL coding tests .
If you take both the SQL Basics course and the SQL Intermediate course that will be launched later, you will be able to easily solve problems at the level of Programmers' SQL High Score Kit.
You no longer need to bother sending emails.
Download it directly from Infraon!
Now you have completed all the SQL basics courses.
In the last lecture, 'Completion Commemorative Gift_SQL Cheatsheet'
Click the [Data] download button at the top right
You can download the CheatSheet ( see image below) .
(Not required, but thoughtful reviews and questions are always welcome!)
This course is from HackerRank ( of the site
The curriculum is structured based on SQL EASY problems.
Before attending the lecture, please log in to the website above and sign up as a member.
I encourage you to take a look around the site.
# We are currently providing Korean subtitles to create a better learning environment .
Please note that subtitles will be uploaded to the videos in the order in which the subtitle work is completed.
# The course can be taken for 3 months. This period has been set in hopes that students will complete the course, so we recommend that you check the course period before starting to take the course.
Who is this course right for?
People who want to become data analysts
People who want to start learning SQL without any preparation
People who have learned SQL theory but feel they lack practical experience
People who need a problem-solving-focused SQL lecture
People preparing for SQL coding tests
18 lectures ∙ (1hr 36min)
Course Materials: