We introduce good lectures based on the motto of TED(http://ted.com) ‘Ideas worth telling’.
1,715 students
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a lecture series run by a non-profit foundation in the United States . It regularly holds lectures related to technology , entertainment , design, etc. Its motto is "Ideas worth spreading." TED is held not only in the United States but also in Europe and Asia, and also holds independent lectures of about 20 minutes in each region in the form of TEDx. Founded in 1984, it has been held annually since 1990, and has gained much popularity, especially by uploading video materials of TED lectures and other lectures on the website . Most of the invited lecturers are famous people in each field and people with remarkable achievements, including famous people such as Bill Clinton and Al Gore , and many Nobel Prize winners. The current planner leading TED is Chris Anderson, a former computer journalist and magazine publisher who belongs to the Sapling Foundation. Since 2005, three TED Awards have been awarded each year to those who have a "hope to change the world."
5 lectures ∙ (56min)