Understand how to effectively analyze and visualize data using Power BI, a data analysis and visualization tool from Microsoft.
Various data analysis using Power BI
Fast and easy data visualization
Effective collaboration through creating and sharing dashboards
Implementing Smart Work using Power BI Mobile
Make data analysis and visualization more useful for your business with Power BI !
Microsoft MVP (Data Platform, 2018-present)
✨ Career
- Full-time instructor at New Horizon Korea
Translation and production of English textbooks at headquarters, specialized in corporate training
- PJ Holdings Education Center Education Team Leader
Instructor management, new course planning, etc.
- Dream Presentation Education Planning Team Leader
Presentation production planning, education planning/management, etc.
- OfficeTutor BPA Team Instructor and Freelance Instructor
💻 Development experience
- Eulji Hospital: Patient Management Program
- DNV Korea: Process Management Program
- Civa Special Chemical: Accounting Management Program
- Medtronics: Process Management Program
- L'Oréal Korea: Sales Management Program
- Daehan Swiss Chemical: Accounting Management Program
- Lafarge Hanla Cement: Project Management
- Lotte Hotel: Education Management Program
- SK Corporation: Participation in groupware development project (Office 2007 part)
🏫 Lectures and books
- Baeum.com: MS-Access (Intermediate) Course
- Chung-Ang University: Visual Basic lecture
- Office Tutor: Development of a course to utilize Excel charts 200%
- SK Corporation: Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2007, Word 2007
Writing in-house textbooks
- Office Tutor: Word 2007 Course Development
- Digital Books: PowerPoint 2007 textbook in progress
[Notice regarding Power BI screen update]
There are major changes to the visualization pane in the Power BI Update for March 2022.
I'm sharing a link to the format window update so you can reference other parts of the lecture video.
In addition, since Preview (beta version) updates are being carried out every month, there may be some differences between the lecture video and the screen. For this, please refer to the blog operated by the instructor below.
We also hold webinars twice a year, once in the first half of the year and once in the second half of the year, to summarize the changes.
Students will receive a coupon via email that allows them to attend the event for free. (You can also check it on the [News] bulletin board during the course period.)
Who is this course right for?
Anyone interested in data analysis and visualization
Anyone who needs effective data management
Those who feel limited in data analysis using Excel
오피스튜터는 Microsoft Office 관련 프로그램에 대한 콘텐츠 개발 및 교육을 위해 1999년에 설립된 회사로서 오피스 제품별 최고 전문가(Microsoft MVP)들이 쌓아온 노하우를 오피스 사용자에게 전파하는데 노력을 기울이고 있습니다.
오피스튜터가 운영중인 웹사이트(officetutor365.com)에는 지난 20년간 축적된 30만 페이지가 넘는 오피스 제품의 무료 강좌 및 묻고 답하기, 마이크로소프트 오피스 온라인 동영상 과정 등 오피스 사용자들의 지식포탈이 구축되어 있으며, Microsoft 365 챔피언들을 위한 스터디 멤버십 프로그램인 '퓨쳐리스트' (futourists.kr)를 통해 다양한 교육 프로그램을 매월 정기적으로 개최하고 있습니다.
16 lectures ∙ (5hr 22min)
are provided.