인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


etc. (Programming)

Computer Science (0): Open Sample Lecture - The Role of Computers

✅ This is an introductory lecture (0) that introduces the entire series of lectures (1) to (7). ✅ CS101 series lectures - From basic computer theory to the latest practical examples - Provides a wide range of basic knowledge

(5.0) 3 reviews

286 students

Computer Architecture

This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • The entire series - from basic computer theory to practical applications

  • This lecture - Part (0) Introduction to Computer Roles

  • CS101 = The first theoretical subject in the computer field

  • ✅ Bundle Discount Coupon✳️ on Roadmap "Computer Science"

You have to get the first button right to become truly skilled!
Computer Basics 101, taught properly.

The foundation of all computer-related knowledge
CS 101: Learn Broadly and Deeply

No matter which country or university you go to...
The first major subject in a computer-related department is Computer Fundamentals !

CS 101 (Computer Science 101), a course like Computer Fundamentals or Introduction to Computers, serves as a navigator for those who want to major in computer science as an academic or career subject.

You need to have a solid foundation in computer fundamentals before you can move on to the 'next step'!

Computer Fundamentals is a subject that shows the minimum basic theory required in computer-related fields and the relationship between various advanced fields. A well-structured CS 101 subject becomes a stepping stone that allows easy entry into all major subjects that will be learned later, such as programming languages, data structures, algorithms, computer architecture, operating systems (OS), and databases (DB).

👉 Here, the “Computer Fundamentals” course is offered as a series of lectures .
👉 Also available as a roadmap lecture “Computer Science” . Be sure to check it out!

Is this perhaps my story?

For those who want to learn both basic theories and practical applications in the computer field.

Anyone who wants to build a foundation for broad understanding of various fields related to computers.

College students who want to major/minor in computer science and working professionals who need related studies

  • Surprisingly, there are many cases where people do not systematically study the basics of computers when they first enter the computer field.
  • Students majoring in computer science or working professionals in related fields often say , “It would have been much easier to study if I had learned this content in advance and taken other major subjects.”

Strengthen your computer foundation! Core 3-Step

Solid foundation theory

We will explain the basic terms and theories required to learn programming languages, data structures, and algorithms step by step.

Broad and balanced explanation

It covers a broad range of topics across the entire computer science/computer engineering major, in a thorough manner.

Rich and vivid examples

You can learn content equivalent to more than 24 hours of university classes in an easy-to-understand way through abundant examples.

So, after finishing the lecture!

  • 👉 You will understand the terminology, basic theories, and practical application cases used in computer-related subjects.
  • 👉 Therefore, you can gain a foundation that will allow you to study computer science much more easily and systematically .

Computer Fundamentals (0) - Orientation, Computer Science
Explore the learning content

Meaning and System of Computing System
Orientation to Computer Science

Q&A 💬

Q. What are the reviews of the paid lectures?

The evaluations of those who took the entire course, which was an external lecture on the same topic by a knowledge sharer, were as follows.

  • The overall quality of the lecture was high, and it was very helpful in cultivating a broad range of computer engineering knowledge.
  • It was very helpful to be able to systematically learn the overall content of computers without going overboard.
  • Although the content was very extensive, the lecture only extracted the key points, so I was able to understand it quickly.
  • As a newbie to computers, I wanted to learn about the overall content of computers, and this course met my needs perfectly. It was really good.

Q. Is it really necessary to take a basic computer course? Wouldn't it be enough to take a programming language or computer application/specialization course right away?

If you are majoring in computer science, you will have to invest a considerable amount of time from now on. If you can look at some "hints" and "guidebooks" when starting a fairly complex game that requires a lot of time investment to see the ending, wouldn't you be able to play much more comfortably?

This "Computer Basics" lecture is exactly like a "hint" and "strategy book". You can start the game knowing what treasures are on which continents you will go to during the long voyage ahead, and what monsters will appear. Of course, that doesn't mean you will learn everything to the point where the game becomes boring. It introduces just enough content to make the game more fun!

Q. Can non-majors also take the course?

When non-majors study computer science, the first subjects they should take are subjects like this lecture, such as computer basics, introduction to computers, and introductory computer courses.

Q. Will it help with computer skills, studying for certifications, and interview preparation?

Of course, it is also good for preparing for various tests and interviews. However, it covers a wider range of topics and provides more detailed content than the qualification tests, written tests, and oral interview preparation lectures such as "Computer Proficiency", "Word Processor", and "Computer General". The lecture time is also considerably longer than the lectures for exam preparation when looking at the entire series. In particular, it is good for learning fundamental principles and broad background knowledge, not just for simple memorization.

Q. Is there a reason for setting a course deadline?

The reason for setting a deadline for the course is that, given the nature of the computer field, after that amount of time, the content of this course is likely to become outdated.
By then, I'll see you again in a new lecture. 😄

Q. Are there subtitles in the video?

Some class videos have subtitles, but most do not support subtitles. If new subtitles are produced, the video may be replaced with a subtitled video without prior notice.

📢 Please check before taking the class!

  • This lecture is an orientation lecture in the "Computer Fundamentals" series, which consists of a total of 7 lectures.
  • This series does not require any separate exercises.
  • We provide the PPT used in the lecture as a PDF file according to the learning content.
  • There is no special player knowledge required. However, general knowledge or real-life experience, and PC/smartphone usage experience to the extent of being able to do simple word processing work on a PC and knowing what Excel is are required.
  • Some of the pictures and photos used in the lecture videos and PDF files are not in the public domain but are protected by separate copyrights. In this case, since the knowledge sharer received a limited use license from the copyright holder separately, if someone else wants to use them , they must obtain permission from the original copyright holder. Please be careful.
  • The Korean font used in the PDF is "Bon Gothic" Noto Sans KR , and the English fonts are Source Sans Pro and Source Serif Pro . You can download them all for free through the link.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Start studying systematic theory in computer science

  • A comprehensive view of the computer field, with an explanation of terms

  • Comprehensive summary of computer skills, general computer skills, and various written tests

Need to know before starting?

  • Web search experience

This is











One more cup of drip coffee for the road



8 lectures ∙ (47min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

Last updated: 


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