In this course, you will learn how to create a chat application using React and Firebase.
Creating a chat application that learns by following along,
Let's learn the key features one by one!
Hello ^ ^
In this lecture, we will learn each function from the beginning.
Let's create our own chat application, one page at a time.
Although this lecture does not use nodes,
It is easier to understand if you have basic knowledge of Node + React .
If you haven't learned Node + React, it's a good idea to learn the following lecture first.
Supports Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
Firebase provides authentication, database, storage, push notifications, distribution, etc.
It is a platform that automatically creates the parts needed to create most apps.
You can easily implement chat apps, taxi apps, etc. that require real-time data transmission .
We tried to include as many core features of the chat application as possible.
Because there are a lot of difficult logics involved in the making process
To help you understand better during the explanation, we use diagrams.
I tried to make the lecture progress by actually showing why this part is like this.
▲ Prior knowledge of JavaScript, React, and Redux is required.
I use Visual Studio Code, but you can use any editor you like.
I use a MAC but it works on Windows too.
Q. Can non-majors also take the course?
A. Yes! This is a lecture that can be taken by both majors and non-majors.
Who is this course right for?
People who want to have fun coding
People interested in cutting edge technology
Need to know before starting?
즐겁게 개발하고 있는 개발자입니다.
앞으로 많은 도움을 드릴 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
- 따라하며 배우는 도커와 CI환경 저자
- 카카오 기업 신입 공채 FE 교수자
- 패스트캠퍼스, 구름 강사
- 현대자동차 개발 기업 교육
- 신한은행 메타버스, 코빗 타운 풀스택 개발
- 여러 공공기관 SNS 풀스택 개발
142 lectures ∙ (19hr 4min)
Course Materials: