For those of you who are having a hard time with college statistics, a senior who was in the same position will share his know-how. Conquering basic statistics using R programming
What you will learn!
Building a foundation in statistics
Conquering R Programming
I think this lecture is the best lecture for those who took statistics in college and were frustrated.
I think that even those who are hearing statistics for the first time will gain a lot from it.
Since this is a class that uses the R statistical program, I think it will take some time to do both statistics and programming.
This course is a statistics course, not a programming course. Therefore, the programming knowledge taught will be very basic, or only the things that you need to know quickly. I will think about R
related courses later.
As someone who has studied statistics for a long time and is interested in it, I created this to help out a little with my knowledge since there aren't many good statistics-related materials in Korean available on the Internet. I hope my lectures will be helpful to even a few people who aren't familiar with statistics.
Anyone can learn anything.
This is my homepage slogan and my motto. When studying statistics, or studying in general, there will often be moments when you feel frustrated by things you don't understand. Don't blame yourself. It's not because you're stupid or can't study, but it's probably because you didn't follow the right study order. Rather than thinking that you can't do it, figure out which part of your study is missing and try to fill it. I wish you success.
• Which way is it tilted, left or right?
• Which line is chosen as the regression line?
• Check the regression line optimization results
I would like to share with you, who are walking the same path as I, the things I have learned and realized while studying statistics. I hope that this will be a useful lecture that will satisfy some of your curiosity. Also, I hope that the footsteps I have taken before will be a little comforting to those who are walking the same path as I did.
Educational background
Who is this course right for?
Freshman in Statistics
For those who are new to R programming
통계를 공부하면서 제가 배운것들, 깨닫게 된 것들을 제가 걸어왔던 길을 걷고 있는 여러분께 공유하고자 합니다. 몇몇 사람들에게는 궁금증이 해소되는 유익한 강의가 되기를 바랍니다. 또한, 예전의 저의 길을 걷고 있는 분들에게는 먼저 걸어간 저의 자취가 조금이나마 위로가 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
이삭 드림.
슬기로운통계생활 대표
The university of Iowa, Statistics & Actuarial science 박사과정 (ABD)
성균관대학교 보험계리학 석사
성균관대학교 통계, 산업공학 학사
유튜브 채널: 슬기로운통계생활
46 lectures ∙ (15hr 44min)
About Pie Chart
Stem and leaf plot
About histogram
About box plot
About scatter plot
Mean and Median
Box plot (theory)