인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



Perfect Presentation Special Lecture by Expert from McKinsey Consultants

You will learn how to create materials from the world's best consulting firms. You will learn how to plan the perfect storytelling and how to design slides that will make your audience take action. Preparation and practice methods for making your presentation perfect! How to present confidently and perfectly in a real presentation and how to effectively deal with questions!

(4.5) 34 reviews

179 students

Business Productivity
Project Management (PM)
presentation PT

This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • Presentation Planning Method

  • Presentation Slide Design

  • How to write a report for a consulting firm

  • How to use eye contact and gestures

  • How to prepare for a presentation

  • Effective presentation practice (e.g. time management, feedback, etc.)

  • How to Deal with Audience Indifference

  • How to handle audience questions

Before taking the course, check out the reviews.

👉Park Yoon-chan's course review: If you want to organize content and make a presentation, and burn every presentation, I recommend you take this course. [See more reviews]

👉Gobaek's course review: A course that helped me create a presentation that fits my purpose and direction, starting from the basics. Don't hesitate and take the course. [See more reviews]

Meet Jaeseong Kim on Youtube .

#Interview. Perfect Presentation Lecture


Introducing the Perfect Presentation.

Seoul National University,
Department of Computer Engineering
He is a consultant from the global consulting firm McKinsey.
I have included all the presentation know-how I have acquired during my brilliant career at Jeil Planning.

This is a must-listen lecture for all office workers, students, and businesspeople preparing to give a presentation.

Forget about forced presentations or presentations you lack confidence in.

This course will teach you how to make a presentation that goes beyond a confident presentation to a presentation that achieves your goals. Do you need a good grade, a high evaluation, or an investment? You can achieve it with Perfect Presentation.

What you will learn in this course

* Presentation planning and slide design

- The real purpose of the presentation
- Storytelling techniques and storyline writing for purposeful presentations
- Impressive introduction and ending
- Effective slide design methods and their principles
- Decide on the slide format according to the topic
- Various techniques for designing Zen-style slides
- Various techniques for consulting format slide design |
- How to create effective charts
- Magic template guide that helps you structure your slides

*Presentation preparation/practice and actual presentation

- 3 elements of a presentation and essential items to prepare for the presentation
- Preparation with less preparation
- How to use eye contact and gestures
- How to manage presentation time, how to give feedback after practicing presentation
- How to use audience indifference, how to overcome audience indifference
- How to deal with different types of questions

Perfect Presentation Series
From planning and slide design, to preparation/practice and actual presentation!

Course Features

This course clearly explains the principles and principles of presentations, helping students understand the purpose and composition of presentations, and presents methodologies that can be applied to a variety of topics.

By clearly pointing out the principles and basis, rather than just blindly following the format,
Describes planning methods and slide design methodologies that can be applied immediately to the presentation environment.
Learn how to prepare and practice presentations, as well as practical presentation know-how.

A brief introduction to each section

Intro - The Purpose of a Presentation: Let's look at the real purpose of a presentation that is difficult, unpleasant, and forced.

Lesson 1-1. Writing a Storyline: Learn about a solid, unbreakable storyline and storytelling techniques.
Lesson 1-2. Storyline Writing Tools: Learn how to write storylines most effectively.
1-3. Introduction and Conclusion Planning: Learn about the introduction and conclusion planning that will capture the audience's attention the most. We also provide a role division guide that allows you to divide up tasks according to the number of people.

2-1. Slide Design - What's Important: Learn why practicing slide design is important. Also, discuss common misconceptions and learn why the presenter should be the center of the presentation.
2-2. Types of slide designs and methods for deciding on a design format: Learn about the types of slide designs and methods for deciding on a design format.
2-3. Slide design based on the SIT principle: Learn about the concept of information simplification and the SIT (Single Information at Time) law.
2-4. How to use images: We will learn the entire process of finding and arranging real images.
Lessons 2-5. Slide division techniques: Learn about slide division techniques and foldering techniques that are mainly used in consulting formats.
Lessons 2-6. Tips for Creating Attractive Slides: Learn the essential elements you need to know for slide design.
Lesson 2-7. Subjectivization of Graphs: Learn how to use objective data to convey your argument to the audience with impact.
2-8. Magic Template Guide: Learn how to structure your consulting-style slides with the Magic Template Guide.

3-1. 3 elements of presentation and essential preparation: Learn about the 3 elements that make up a presentation and the essential preparations that must be made for a successful presentation.
3-2. Preparation with less preparation: Less is more! Learn about the 'Preparation with less preparation' method necessary to secure the freedom of the presenter.

Lesson 4-1. Eye contact, gesture usage: Learn effective ways to practice eye contact and gestures, which are the most difficult to use when giving a presentation.

4-2. Presentation time management, feedback methods: Learn how to effectively present when there is too much or too little presentation time and how to get feedback on your presentation.

5-1. Cooking the audience's indifference in a real presentation: Learn how to make an audience that is not very interested in your story act according to the speaker's intention.

5-2. Practical presentation tips and how to deal with questions: Learn what to keep in mind when giving an actual presentation and how to deal with questions by type.

🛠 Tools covered here

- In most cases, separate tools are not required, and the lecture content uses 『Perfect Presentation Season 2』 and 『Perfect Slide Clinic with PowerPoint』 as textbooks, so you can expect a higher learning effect if you listen to the book together. When practicing slide design, Microsoft's PowerPoint program (version 2010 or later) is required.

Perfect Presentation Book Link: http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/56826125?scode=032&OzSrank=1
Perfect Slide Clinic Book Link: http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/89232435?Acode=101

- All slides used in the lecture were created using Microsoft PowerPoint.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Expected Questions QnA

Q. I am completely new to presentations. Can I still take the course?
A. Of course, it is possible. Not only is it possible, but I highly recommend it. If you build good habits step by step from the beginning, you will be able to improve your skills more quickly.

Q. I think you have some unique ideas about presentations. Should I listen to them?
A. Of course. The method you know now may not be the best method. If you listen to the lecture, you will be able to have skills that are upgraded even more than now. Do you know that the difference between a luxury item and an ordinary item is the degree of completion? This lecture will make you, the great you, more perfect.

Q. Is this a course that deals directly with PowerPoint?
A. This lecture does not directly cover PowerPoint. It is a lecture where you can learn the general principles and fundamentals of presentations. However, after taking this lecture, if you read the book Perfect Slide Clinic , you will be able to develop the ability to create all the slides that appear in the lecture using PowerPoint. (For reference, the Perfect Slide Clinic lecture will also be opened soon.)

Q. How is it different from other lectures?
A. Clear definition and principles are explained. Although presentation is really important, there are many lectures that teach or teach based on experience and tell you to just follow along without explaining 'why'. Most of them do not reflect the reality of Korea at all or tell stories that cannot be applied to company practice. Perfect Presentation Lecture presents differentiated solutions that can be applied to any situation you are in, whether you are a student, a businessperson, or a worker.


Instructor Related Questions

• Please tell us what prompted you to start this course.

I hope that more people can easily acquire quality knowledge.
However, it was not easy for many people to gain knowledge through books alone. Since there was a lot of content, there were some who gave up halfway through reading. I thought that if I produced it in a lecture format to fit the video era, it would be easier to accept.

• What got you interested in this field?
When I was a student, I created the Seoul National University Presentation Research Group. Later, I found out that this club was the first presentation-related club in the country. I honed my skills with my seniors and juniors, started a business on this topic, and later worked as a consultant to discover areas where I was lacking, and created a certain level of knowledge. However, most of the books and lectures on the market do not reflect reality. For example, there are lectures that insist that a certain format is correct even though office workers cannot present like Steve Jobs, or that slides that are just pretty and do not have a message are good. I wanted to provide lectures that are actually helpful and applicable to our environment. I believe that this lecture can provide that value to you.

• What are your future goals in this field?
I want to continuously develop this field and become someone that everyone remembers as the best presentation expert in Korea.

Go to lecture

• [Integrated Lecture] Perfect Presentation | 12 months unlimited viewing : 99,000 won

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Startup CEO who has to face the judges every time

  • Job seekers facing PT interviews for employment

  • College student who wants to get an A+ from the professor

  • Employees who want to be highly praised by their boss

  • Businessmen and employees who absolutely must win a project

  • Company executives who want to present like Steve Jobs

This is











서울대학교 컴퓨터 공학부를 졸업하고 세계적인 경영 컨설팅 회사 맥킨지(McKinsey & Company)에서 컨설턴트로 근무했다. 현재 IT 대기업에서 전략 업무를 담당하고 있다.

저서로는 『퍼펙트 프리젠테이션 시즌 2』(2017),『퍼펙트 슬라이드 클리닉 with 파워포인트』(에이콘출판사, 2020), 『뭘 해도 잘 되는 사람들의 비밀』(2021) 『슈퍼업무력 ARTS』(도서출판 이새, 2020)행동의 완결』(안나푸르나, 2019)과 퍼펙트 프리젠테이션』(2012), 가 있다. 『퍼펙트 프리젠테이션』은 삼성전자와 제일기획 직원 프리젠테이션 교재 및 다수의 수도권 대학에서 프리젠테이션 주교재로 채택돼 활용되고 있다.



19 lectures ∙ (5hr 9min)

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