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인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Job Search & Hunting

[All in One] Information Security Career Experience (Security Employment & New Hire Package)

Do you want to get a job in the information security field? You are planning to get a job but don't know what to do? Real Voice from a security professional, we will lead you to the best employee after the interview/entry.

(4.9) 18 reviews

166 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Real work practice in actual security work, not theory

  • Easy-to-understand explanations & practice of difficult security concepts

  • Skill Set Required for Each Occupation & Employment Tips

  • Configuring and practicing a mock hacking environment (based on OWASP standards)

  • Practice in analyzing breach incident response (collecting/analyzing system information, responding to web hacking incidents)

  • Security solution development training (malicious code analysis training, IPS (intrusion prevention system) construction)

  • Security solution operation training (firewall construction/operation, web firewall construction/operation)

  • Security consulting practice (master plan, security architecture establishment)

  • Security Officer Training (Writing Personal Information Processing Policy, Security Awareness Training Materials)

Information security education introduced by the author of the best-selling IT security book
[Yes24 No. 1 in Security 3 months after launch] Real Security Voice introduced by security professionals

🗒 Why should I learn about security jobs in advance?

  • As the job/education market intensifies, companies are transforming into companies that want pre-learning and prepared talent .
  • Change in the hiring market to one that wants immediate performance rather than new hires (increase in hiring of experienced employees rather than new hires)
  • Due to lack of understanding of the job, the understanding of the JD (Job Description) is also low.
  • In the various fields of security, you need to find a field that suits you well and transform into a specialist in that field through additional in-depth learning.

🗒 What will you learn in this course?

Through practical training, you will gain indirect experience of various jobs in the security field, acquire practical skills, understand the scope of work for each job, and learn about the direction of study and career path. This is a course that helps you study the content you need by looking at a broad view rather than difficult and deep content.

▼ Class example

🌈 What are the special features of the course?

✍🏻 We have prepared practical training for each occupation .

  • We have prepared a learning process through real experiences, including practice of work scenarios suitable for each role in the job, from mock hacking to response to security incidents, security solution development, and security operation.
  • We provide you with the practical, necessary skills set delivered by current security professionals .

✍🏻 Provides environment configuration files and scripts .

  • Security is a must for Linux configuration? We provide an environment configuration guide and installation files that can be easily configured on Windows , and you can easily review the scripts required for practice.
  • You can set up the environment and practice using your home PC or laptop without separate Linux or other equipment.
  • We will explain useful software one by one through introduction of various tools in the lecture.

🗒 Curriculum

  • Through interviews with nouns in each security profession, we share various experiences and provide job-hunting tips.
  • Preliminary theoretical learning and study direction for skills that must be learned in the entry-level course for each occupation
  • Self-paced job experience through environment creation and practice

  • Module 1. Mock Hacking Expert (Practice & Expert Interview)
  • Module 2. Incident Response Specialist (Practical Training & Expert Interview)
  • Module 3. Security Solution Developer (Practical & Professional Interview)
  • Module 4. Security Operations Specialist (Practical & Expert Interview)
  • Module 5. Security Consultant Expert (Practical & Expert Interview)
  • Module 6. Security Officer (Practical & Noun Interview)
  • Module 7. Ethics of Security

🎈 Learn step by step!

Chapter #0. Introductory Theory

Learn the basics of security
Let's set a target image.

Chapter #1. Basic Theory / Understanding Practice / Practical Implementation Current Lecture

[All in One] Information Security Career Experience (Security Employment Package)
Learning the basic theories for each profession
Find the security career that's right for you.

Chapter #2, #3. In-depth practical training & professional certification acquisition (coming soon)

🙋🏻‍♂️ I'm curious!

Q. Can non-majors also take the course?
A. I tried to convey it in an easy-to-understand manner. Those who have never experienced IT before may find it a little unfamiliar. However, I prepared it so that you can follow along and see it intuitively.

I think it's better to think of it as a preview rather than a deep dive into the field of work for security professionals.

Q. Can I learn everything about the security profession by just taking this course?
A. Unfortunately, we were not able to cover all the depth of security experts in each field. In reality, the depth of knowledge in various fields of security experts is too deep and requires a lot of effort.

However, we have prepared it so that you can overcome the minimum entry-level hurdles through thin but broad knowledge in order to convey broad insights on as many different occupations as possible.

🛠 Tools to use

  • DVWA, APM, Incident Response Script, HxD, PEiD
  • HashTab, Process Explorer, Autoruns, Wireshark
  • Iptables, WSL, etc...

🧏‍♂️ Let's communicate!

Information Security 119 organized by keyword!
I share and communicate a wide range of security knowledge on YouTube. If you have any additional questions after listening to the lecture, please refer to YouTube.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • College students who want to learn about information security

  • Job seekers preparing for information security employment

  • Information security practitioner with 1 to 3 years of experience

  • Beginner/intermediate security professionals who are curious about the work of other security professions

Need to know before starting?

  • Information Security Theory (can be taken without a degree)

  • Passion for employment/study

This is









Security Reader(시리) : 보안을 읽어주는 횽

[주요 경력]

(現) 금융회사 IT보안담당&기획, 과학기술정보통신부 사이버보안전문단

한국정보공학기술사회 블루보드위원회 위원장

금융보안원, 한국인터넷진흥원(KISA) 강사 & 교육과정 자문위원

국가직무표준(NCS) 정보보호, 개인정보 개발위원

차세대 보안리더 양성 프로그램(BoB, Best of Best) 멘토

공공기관 제안평가 평가위원(KISA, 한국무역보험공사 등)

IT기술사회 & 한국생산성본부(KPC) 강사(정보보안, 기술사)

기업 보안 강의 & 자문위원(SK Telecom, SK 계열사, LG CNS, 연세대 등)

(前) LG CNS 보안컨설팅(모의해킹, 침해사고대응, 보안 SI, ISMS 컨설팅 등)

한국정보공학기술사회 정책법제위원회 위원

[주요 자격]

정보관리기술사, 정보시스템 수석감리원, ISMS-P 인증심사원, ISO27001 인증심사원, AWS Security Specialty, PIA, CISSP, CEH(윤리적 해커), 정보보안기사, K-Shield(최정예 사이버보안 전문가), CPPG 등 정보보안 & IT 분야 20여개 자격증 보유

[주요 저술]

키워드로 정리하는 정보보안 119 (제이펍) 출시 후 3달 간 보안 분야 1위

삐뽀삐뽀 보안 119 (제이펍) 2023년 세종도서 학술부문 우수도서(국내 작가 출시 보안 도서 중 유일)

Open source 기반 정보보호 관리체계 구축 가이드라인 (사이버보안전문단, KISA)

[주요 프로젝트]

금융(메트라이프, 신영증권), 공공(인천공항공사, 국토교통부), 통신/전자(LG U+, LG전자), 제조(LG화학, FILA Korea), 서비스 기업(우아한형제들, 아산병원) 등

[주요 수상]

산업통상자원부장관 표창(기술사의 날 유공자, 2022.2)

금융감독원장 표창(금융정보보호협의회 정보보호유공자, 2020.12)

우수상(사이버보안전문단 정보보호 활동 프로젝트-KISA, 2020.11)

* 블로그 : https://blog.naver.com/security_reader

* 유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com/시리클래스

* 저서: https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=16381897





27 lectures ∙ (8hr 1min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

Last updated: 


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