This course is not a training course that explains the functions of Excel, but a course that uses Excel examples used in actual work settings to learn which functions to apply in each situation to perform tasks most quickly and efficiently.
Edit RAW data downloaded from the system 100x faster
Acquire functional application techniques mainly used in writing data analysis reports.
Create quick and efficient reports using pivot tables
Create automated analysis tables that allow you to view only selected performance from a large list of data
Compare two lists, display matching items, and create a summary table
Managing Excel Big Data Using Power Query
Excel has become an important program that is used by more than 80% of employees of the top 100 companies in Korea through constant updates . However, how many workers can be said to use Excel well ? Knowing how to use Excel is important, but how you use it is more important . If you can finish a task that takes someone else 2 hours in 10 minutes, then you are someone who knows how to use Excel well .
This course is not a training course that explains the functions of Excel, but rather a course that uses Excel examples used in actual work settings to learn which functions to apply in each situation to perform tasks most quickly and efficiently .
Who is this course right for?
People with basic knowledge of Excel, Excel practitioners
Need to know before starting?
Prior knowledge of creating simple tables or entering formulas in Excel
김경자 / 컴피플 대표, 연성대학교 겸임교수, 엑셀여신(
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- 회사에서 엑셀로 살아남기 (한빛미디어, 2023)
- 엑셀 실무 함수 + 수식 (한빛미디어, 2021)
- 엑셀 실무 매크로와 VBA (한빛미디어, 2020)
- 엑셀 실무 데이터 활용+분석 (한빛미디어, 2019)
- 엑셀 2016 기본+실무완성 (북스홀릭, 2018)
- 회사에서 바로 통하는 엑셀 함수 실무 강의 (한빛미디어, 2017)
- 회사 실무에 힘을 주는 엑셀 2016 매크로와 VBA (정보문화사, 2016)
- 회사에서 바로 통하는 엑셀 데이터 활용+분석 (한빛미디어, 2016)
- 엑셀 2013 기본 실무완성 (북스홀릭, 2014)
- 키노트 & 넘버스 무작정 따라하기 (길벗, 2014)
- 엑셀 2010 매크로와 VBA (영진닷컴, 2012)
- 엑셀 2010 기본 실무완성 (북스홀릭, 2011)
- 엑셀 2007 매크로 & VBA 기본+실무 (성안당, 2009)
- 엑셀 2007 기본 + 실무 (성안당, 2007)
- 실무에 강한 엑셀 매크로와 VBA (사이버출판사, 2005)
42 lectures ∙ (5hr 11min)
Course Materials: