인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Devops & Infra

Introduction to AWS Networking with CloudNet@

This is a hands-on introductory course for AWS cloud beginners that follows and learns basic AWS cloud network knowledge.

(4.9) 41 reviews

541 students


This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • AWS Public Cloud Service Basics

  • Knowledge for Getting Started with AWS Networking Services

  • Deep understanding through practice and schematic representation

AWS public cloud networking service,
Let's start from the basics with practice ✍️

Direct lecture by the author of "Learn AWS Networking by Following"!

This lecture is based on the book "Learning AWS Network by Following". As the author of this book, I decided to create dynamic content for video lectures instead of static content like books, and this video lecture is made by extracting only the key points necessary for introductory lectures . Of course, it contains more detailed and dynamic content with an up-to-date environment than the book, so it will definitely be a useful time.

Learning Cloud Networks with AWS ☁️

Cloud networks are a very important system that serves as the foundation for cloud services. As cloud environments become increasingly larger and more complex, the importance of cloud networks is increasing. Cloud networks can provide efficient and stable communication, and can have cost-saving effects.

This lecture first explains the theory of AWS networking service , the most commonly used public cloud service, and then proceeds in the form of understanding the concept through schematic images and hands-on practice. Through the lecture, you will be able to slowly learn the minimum network services. It explains one by one from the beginning at an introductory level, and if you go through the process slowly, you can proceed with all the processes without difficulty.

I recommend this to these people 🙋

Network engineer who needs knowledge of cloud network environment

DevOps Engineers Who Need Reference for Cloud Network Design

Beginner developer looking to get started with cloud networks

Students or professionals interested in cloud networks

Lecture Features ✨

Provides various diagrammatic screens to help understand the movements

Structure that allows you to follow and understand through various exercises

Providing basic infrastructure generation code for the convenience of practice

  • 📢 Please note before taking the class!

    • Step by Step
      • The lectures are conducted sequentially, with theoretical explanations first and practical training followed.
    • No! Live
      • The training process is not real-time, although it follows along. (Repeated or waiting tasks are edited.) You will need to stop the video occasionally and follow the training.
    • Small amount of charges incurred
      • Although we make full use of the AWS Free Tier policy, small charges are unavoidable.
    • Delete resources when the training is over
      • At the end of the exercise, you will need to delete the generated resources, and a video of the resource deletion will be provided at the end of the exercise.
    • Providing lecture materials
      • Basically, we provide a PDF file of the lecture progress.
      • We provide a read-only PPT file only for course review writers. It will help you understand the dynamic movements if you check it as a slide show. If you need it, please apply by email :)
        • Email address: ongja@cloudneta.net
        • Format: [Course name]/[Applicant nickname]/[Whether or not there is a course review]
        • Example: AWS Networking with CloudNet@ Intro /ongja_cloudnet@/ completed

What you'll learn 📚

Section 0 - Introduction to the Course

Introduction to AWS Networking Introductory Course

Section 1 - Cloud Computing

Introduction to Cloud Computing Theory

Section 2 - AWS Cloud Computing Services

Introduction to Cloud Computing from AWS

Section 3 - Pre-requisites

Things to prepare before starting full-scale training (AWS sign-up, AWS management console access, etc.)

Section 4 - [Hands-on] Deploying and Using EC2 Instances

After deploying an Amazon EC2 instance, practice installing and verifying a web service by connecting with SSH.

Section 5 - [Hands-on] Deploying EC2 Instances via CloudFormation

Deploy EC2 instances based on code using AWS CloudFormation

Section 6 - Basic Networking Concepts

Explaining the basic networking theory you need to know

Section 7 - Introducing the Amazon VPC Service

Description of key resources in Amazon VPC

Section 8 - [Hands-on] Configuring a Public Subnet with Amazon VPC

Tutorial on configuring a public subnet environment in Amazon VPC

Section 9 - [Hands-on] Configuring a Private Subnet with Amazon VPC

Tutorial on configuring a private subnet environment in Amazon VPC

Section 10 - Security Groups and Network ACLs

Introduction to the theory of security groups and network ACLs

Section 11 - Amazon VPC Flow Logs

Amazon VPC Flow Logs Explained

Section 12 - [Hands-on] Configuring Security Groups and Network ACLs (feat. Flow Logs)

Tutorial on configuring security groups and network ACLs in Amazon VPC

Section 13 - Introduction to Amazon ELB Features

Introduction to Amazon ELB Load Balancing Theory

Section 14 - [Hands-on] Load balancing with ALB and NLB

Practice creating ALB and NLB to check the load distribution communication process

Section 15 - Introducing the Amazon Route 53 Service

Introduction to the theory of Amazon Route 53, AWS's managed DNS service

Section 16 - Preliminary Preparation

Things to prepare before starting full-scale training (creating a domain name, etc.)

Section 17 - [Hands-on] Check Amazon Route 53 Configuration and Routing Policy

Amazon Route 53 Configuration and Routing Policy Practice

Introducing the knowledge sharer ✒️

Hello. My name is Ongja and I work for the CloudNet@ team.
Our CloudNet@ team is a study group that learns and shares knowledge about cloud-related technologies. We have been actively engaged in various knowledge-sharing activities through various cloud-related online study activities, book writing, and lecture content production. We will continue to come back with video lecture content on various topics. :)

Resume / Portfolio / Personal Video

  • Author of 'Learn AWS Networking by Following' (published in 2020)
  • Writing 'My First Introduction to AWS with CloudNet@' (scheduled for the first half of 2023)

Regarding the request for course extension

  • If you request a course before or after the course period ends, we will honor your request unless there are special circumstances.
  • For related requests, please send them via email (ongja@cloudneta.net) rather than through the bulletin board.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Network engineer with knowledge of cloud network environment

  • DevOps engineers who need reference for cloud network design

  • Cloud Networking for Beginner Developers

This is











안녕하세요. CloudNet@ 팀에서 활동 중인 Ongja라고 합니다.

저희 CloudNet@ 팀은 클라우드 관련 기술에 대해 지식을 학습하고 공유하는 스터디 그룹입니다.

다양한 클라우드 관련 온라인 스터디 활동과 책 집필과 강의 콘텐츠 제작을 통해 다양한 지식 공유 활동을 활발히 진행해 왔습니다.

앞으로도 다양한 주제의 영상 강의 콘텐츠로 찾아 뵙겠습니다. :)

개인블로그 -> https://ongja.space

팀블로그 -> http://blog.cloudneta.net



86 lectures ∙ (8hr 21min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 


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