Learn about the Generative Shape Design (GSD) workbench, which is used to model complex curves and surfaces in Catia.
Catia 3D Curve and Surface Introduction Course
Detailed description of Catia Generative Shape Design Workbench tools and sub-options
Try 3D modeling with Catia!
OK for complex surfaces and curves.
This book covers the Generative Shape Design (GSD) workbench used for modeling complex curves and surfaces in CATIA. It explains about the Operation toolbar's Split, Trim, Extract, and various fillet processing techniques such as Shape Fillet, Edge Fillet, and Styling Fillet, how to use Pattern, the Advanced Surface Toolbar, BIW Template Toolbar, Developed Shape Toolbar, the difference between Geometrical Set and Ordered Geometrical Set, the Volumes Toolbar, and the Tools Toolbar. In addition, you will learn how to use various commands of the GSD workbench through comprehensive examples.
This course uses Catia V5-6R2017. Please take note when taking the course.
Who is this course right for?
For those who are just starting out with surface modeling using Catia
Anyone who needs in-depth learning about Catia Generative Shape Design Workbench
Need to know before starting?
Catia Basic Operations
Basic knowledge of Catia Sketcher and Part Design Workbench
Those who have taken <Generative Shape Design Workbench> Part 1
주요경력 : 연세대학교 대학원 졸업
(전) 서울보건대학 컴퓨터학과 외래교수
(전) 인하대학교 미래인재개발원 강사
(현) 가천대학교 겸임교수 등...
39 lectures ∙ (10hr 39min)
Course Materials: