Measurement and analysis commands for NX single-item modeling
NX Measurement and analysis commands that can be used in various work environments
Easy and fast 3D modeling with Siemens,
Learn with NX 2000!
Advanced high-end CAD/CAM/CAE etc.
Boasting powerful modeling capabilities
It's design software .
NX 2000 provides an integrated development environment that enables more efficient, flexible, and rapid product design and verification in rapidly changing market conditions. As a platform that provides the entire product development life cycle management (PLM), it is evolving into a 4GD (4th Generation Design) tool that not only provides convenience for engineer design, but also allows for faster reflection of customer requirements.
This lecture explains the various measurement and analysis commands (Analysis tab) that are essential in the NX workflow. In other words, it explains the core commands in the Analysis tab, such as various measurements (Measure), Display, Curve Shape analysis, Face Shape analysis, Relation (Continuity) analysis, and Mass Properties that are necessary when designing single products or assemblies.
Siemens official page (click)
This course uses Siemens NX 2000 version . You can use the 30-day free trial version on the official page or purchase the paid solution.
-Seo Jeong-sik
Major career: Graduated from Yonsei University Graduate School
Who is this course right for?
Users who want to properly use the NX Analysis function
Users who want to properly understand the options of various NX Analysis commands
Need to know before starting?
NX Basic Operations
주요경력 : 연세대학교 대학원 졸업
(전) 서울보건대학 컴퓨터학과 외래교수
(전) 인하대학교 미래인재개발원 강사
(현) 가천대학교 겸임교수 등...
43 lectures ∙ (6hr 51min)
Course Materials: