인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



Real! Website Creation! Step By Step! ('Full Page Site Creation')

Real! Website production Step By Step! This is a process of making the main page of Phomein (https://www.phomein.com/brand/main/main.do) as it is. This is a process of making and implementing the gorgeous interactive web contained in the site as it is, and it will teach you the practical core know-how to easily and quickly make even complex layouts^^

(3.5) 4 reviews

92 students

Interactive Web
Clone Coding

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • How to create a layout that's suitable for your practice!

  • How to create a full-page scrolling layout!

  • How to create a GNB navigation with depth!

  • How to make a number countup!

  • How to create an image slideshow with animation!

  • How to create various scroll animations!

A website where you can learn by following along!
Challenge yourself with clone coding with J. Young.

I know HTML tags and CSS properties, but
Layout creation is someone else's story?

You can create a real website layout by creating a layout that is identical to the one released!

Even if you only know HTML and CSS
Interactive web creation OK!

  • This course is designed for those with basic knowledge of HTML and CSS and will proceed by implementing actual web pages.
    • Learn the basics of HTML Markup and CSS design!
    • Practice! Gain confidence and interest in layout creation by covering various examples of layout creation!
    • Try your hand at cloning layouts!

Step By Step!
Get started right now.

You can learn everything from the basics of jQuery required for creating web pages to its use , and we will help you create cool and colorful web pages in a short period of time by utilizing various libraries and plugins.


You can acquire both work skills and core practical know-how at once through webpage lectures composed of interactive elements essential for practical work.

The reality is! It's a battle of speed and scalability.
Only those who can complete high-quality projects quickly within the work time will be recognized and treated as skilled designers and publishers.

Let's create a domain site together and learn the know-how to quickly create a fancy website!


  1. How to create an accurate layout using html and css suitable for practical use
  2. How to create a fullpage scroll layout
  3. How to make a Depth GNB Nation
  4. How to make a number countup
  5. Animations that occur during various scrolls
  6. How to create an image slide with animation

Curious about real-world examples?

Fullpage layout
Image Slide
GNB Navigation
Fullpage Navigation

20 years of practical experience + lecture know-how

Hello? This is J.young.

I have been running a team as the head of the design team at a web design & app development company for over 20 years, and I also give lectures on UIUX design, web design, web publisher, and front-end development at universities, schools, and vocational training institutions. I train students who have no basic knowledge of design or coding to become experts such as web designers/publishers.

  • From basics to practice!
  • What you want in practice!
  • Create a portfolio that can be used immediately in practice!

As I teach, I guide students so that they can confidently enter the field as professionals. As a result, many of my students are demonstrating their capabilities as current designers and publishers.

  • People who want to become a web designer or publisher but don't know where or how to start
  • People who want to attend a regular course for job change but can't even think about it due to work life
  • People who don't even know the 'code' of coding
  • Those who have learned the basics of HTML/CSS through academies or YouTube, but who have never heard of website creation

J.young is here to help!

Also, if you have any questions while learning, please leave a comment and I will do my best to provide you with a helpful answer.

Open chat room operation

For a smoother learning experience, join the Jalnan Webdi open chat room operated by J.young.
We share with you some great tips on Figma, UI/UX, coding, portfolio creation, and links to free webinars.

- Open chat room name: Jalnan Webdi
- Code: jyoung

Work experience

  • 2015~2017 Managing Director, Elicell Co., Ltd.
  • 2003~2015 Managing Director, Amusingware Co., Ltd.
  • ~2003 Seo Woo C&D Design Director

Lectures and other careers

  • Running a well-made webtoon YouTube channel
  • Incheon Arts College (Multimedia Web Lecture)
  • Seoul Hyundai Vocational School (Smart Web/App Lectures)
  • Polytechnic University (Design Lecture)
  • Korea IT College (Multimedia Design Lecture)
  • Dudurim Vocational School (Design Lecture)
  • Gwangmyeong City Women's Vision Center (Web Design Lecture)
  • Now Computer Academy Lecture Bundang Branch (Design Lecture)
  • The Jo Eun Computer Academy Seocho Branch ([Web Design Specialist] Digital Web & App Design - Course Evaluation Qualification-A)
  • HiMedia Computer Academy Seocho Branch (UI/UX Web Design & Web Publishing Using Video)



Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Those who have basic knowledge of HTML/CSS but are afraid of creating web pages

  • Anyone who wants to quickly create a portfolio for employment as a web designer or publisher

  • Anyone who wants to learn the jQuery source code needed on the web

  • Anyone who wants to easily implement interactive web required in practice without basic JavaScript knowledge

  • Currently a graphic designer who wants to transition to a front-end developer or publisher

  • Anyone who wants to improve their work skills as a web designer

  • Anyone who wants to quickly implement an interactive web with scalability in mind

This is











 안녕하세요? J.young 임자영입니다.

20여년간의 웹디자인 & 앱개발회사를 운영하며, 대학과 전문학교 및 직업훈련기관에서 UI.UX디자인,웹디자인, 웹퍼블리셔, 프론트엔드개발 강의를 하고 있습니다.

디자인이나 코딩에 대한 기초가 전혀 없는 학생들을 대상으로, 전문가(UI.UX디자이너/ 퍼블리셔/코딩하는 디자이너) 양성을 위해!!
- 기초부터 실무까지!
- 실무에서 원하는!
- 실무에서 바로 써 먹을 수 있는 포트폴리오 제작! 강의로 전문가로써 당당히 실무에 진출할 수 있도록 지도하고 있습니다.

그런 만큼... 많은 제자들이 실무자로써의 그 역량을 발휘하고 있습니다.

-UI/UX디자이너, 퍼블리셔, 프론트엔드개발자가 되고 싶어도 어디서 부터
어떻게 시작할지 막막하신 분들..
- 이직을 위한 정규 코스 학원을 다니고 싶어도 직장 생활로 인해 엄두도 못 내시는 분들..
- 코딩에 '코'자도 모르시는 분! 학원이나 유튜브 등으로 HTML/CSS기초는 배웠지만 -
도통...웹 퍼블리싱 개발 구현이란 남의 이야기이신 분들....

J.young이 도와드리겠습니다.!!
또한!! 학습하시다 궁금하신 점 있으시면 댓글 남겨주시면
도움이 드릴 수 있는 답을 드리도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

* 오픈채팅방운영

보다 원활한 학습을 위해, J.young이 운영하는 잘난웹디 오픈채팅방에 가입하시면,
피그마, UI.UX, 코딩, 포트폴리오제작 관련 핵꿀팁과 무료웨비나 링크 등을 공유해드립니다.

오픈채팅방명 : 잘난웹디
코드 : jyoung



- 2017~현) 웹개발 Director
- 2015년~2017년(주)엘리에셀 총괄 이사
- 2003년~2015년 (주)어뮤징웨어 총괄 이사
- 2003년: 서우씨앤디 디자인실장

- 현) UIUX & 웹포트폴리오 강의 진행 중(실무 진출 90프로 이상)







16 lectures ∙ (2hr 31min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 


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