인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Web Development

Real! Website Creation! Step by Step! ('Help' Site Creation_Application Course)

This is a lecture that creates and implements the actual website main page as an application course for the Dopda site production. It is a lecture that completes the web page production by modifying and supplementing each coding, adding Fixed header, Image Slider, Mobile navigation, Scroll Animation, and responsiveness, from the simple structure coding centered on the layout and animation of the Dopda site Basic Course that was opened as a free lecture! (You can see that the learning effect is greater if you take this lecture after listening to the Dopda-Basic Course.)

(5.0) 5 reviews

145 students

Interactive Web
Responsive Web

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • FixHeader jQuery that changes design when scrolling

  • Scroll event animation jQuery (scrolla.js) utilization and application

  • Image slides with animation using jQuery (slick.js) and its application

  • Creating a GNB navBar that appears when the Open button is clicked


Learn how to create layouts and animations using HTML + CSS.
Have you taken the Basic Course?

Now that you understand the layout and animation creation, let's move on to implementing some more active elements.
You can learn everything from the basics of jQuery required for creating web pages to its use, and we will help you create cool and colorful web pages in a short period of time by utilizing libraries and plugins.

Who needs it?


  • For those who want to implement more glamor and activity than CSS Animation
  • Anyone who wants to know the basics of JavaScript and jQuery needed on the web
  • Anyone who wants to implement an active web in a short period of time for business speed and scalability
  • Anyone who wants to create a portfolio for employment as a web designer/publisher
  • Currently a graphic designer who wants to transition to a web designer/publisher


You can acquire both work skills and core practical know-how at once through webpage lectures composed of interactive elements essential for practical work.

The reality is! It's a battle of speed and scalability.
Only those who can complete high-quality projects quickly within the work time will be recognized and treated as skilled designers and publishers.

Let's learn the know-how to quickly create a fancy website by creating an Application Course together with the help site!

Explore the learning content


Full Screen Image


Image Slider


Responsive Web (1100px~951px tablet resolution)


Responsive Web (950px~751px tablet resolution)


Responsive Web (mobile resolution less than 750px)

Open chat room operation

For a smoother learning experience, join the Jalnan Webdi open chat room operated by J.young.
We share with you some great tips on Figma, UI/UX, coding, portfolio creation, and links to free webinars.

- Open chat room name: Jalnan Webdi
- Code: jyoung

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Those who have basic knowledge of HTML/CSS but are afraid of creating web pages

  • Anyone who wants to quickly create a portfolio for employment as a web designer or publisher

  • Anyone who wants to learn the jQuery source code needed on the web

  • Anyone who wants to easily implement interactive web required in practice without basic JavaScript knowledge

  • Currently a graphic designer who wants to transition to a front-end developer or publisher

  • Anyone who wants to improve their work skills as a web designer

  • Anyone who wants to quickly implement an interactive web with scalability in mind

Need to know before starting?

  • HTML/CSS Basics

  • Practice! Website Creation! Step by Step! ('Help' Website Creation_Basic Course) You can take the following course after listening to the lecture.

This is











 안녕하세요? J.young 임자영입니다.

20여년간의 웹디자인 & 앱개발회사를 운영하며, 대학과 전문학교 및 직업훈련기관에서 UI.UX디자인,웹디자인, 웹퍼블리셔, 프론트엔드개발 강의를 하고 있습니다.

디자인이나 코딩에 대한 기초가 전혀 없는 학생들을 대상으로, 전문가(UI.UX디자이너/ 퍼블리셔/코딩하는 디자이너) 양성을 위해!!
- 기초부터 실무까지!
- 실무에서 원하는!
- 실무에서 바로 써 먹을 수 있는 포트폴리오 제작! 강의로 전문가로써 당당히 실무에 진출할 수 있도록 지도하고 있습니다.

그런 만큼... 많은 제자들이 실무자로써의 그 역량을 발휘하고 있습니다.

-UI/UX디자이너, 퍼블리셔, 프론트엔드개발자가 되고 싶어도 어디서 부터
어떻게 시작할지 막막하신 분들..
- 이직을 위한 정규 코스 학원을 다니고 싶어도 직장 생활로 인해 엄두도 못 내시는 분들..
- 코딩에 '코'자도 모르시는 분! 학원이나 유튜브 등으로 HTML/CSS기초는 배웠지만 -
도통...웹 퍼블리싱 개발 구현이란 남의 이야기이신 분들....

J.young이 도와드리겠습니다.!!
또한!! 학습하시다 궁금하신 점 있으시면 댓글 남겨주시면
도움이 드릴 수 있는 답을 드리도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

* 오픈채팅방운영

보다 원활한 학습을 위해, J.young이 운영하는 잘난웹디 오픈채팅방에 가입하시면,
피그마, UI.UX, 코딩, 포트폴리오제작 관련 핵꿀팁과 무료웨비나 링크 등을 공유해드립니다.

오픈채팅방명 : 잘난웹디
코드 : jyoung



- 2017~현) 웹개발 Director
- 2015년~2017년(주)엘리에셀 총괄 이사
- 2003년~2015년 (주)어뮤징웨어 총괄 이사
- 2003년: 서우씨앤디 디자인실장

- 현) UIUX & 웹포트폴리오 강의 진행 중(실무 진출 90프로 이상)







17 lectures ∙ (2hr 54min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

  • Site introduction and attached lecture materials for class progress


Last updated: 


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