This lecture is the final lecture in the [Web Development Full Stack Course] lecture series for training full-stack web developers, and is a lecture on portfolio project development. By synthesizing everything learned in [Web Development Full Stack Course], you will be able to understand what you have learned while developing an actual web application and directly apply the basic functions.
Vue.js client configuration
Configuring the Node.js backend
Database (DB) design
Product Sales Web Application Development
Building real web applications
Complete guide to learning full-stack web development ✨
✅ This lecture is part of the [Full Stack Web Developer Roadmap] series.
I will personally implement a web application with the necessary functions, from DB to view.
We develop a small-sized product sales web application. Depending on the appearance of the product sales web page, it can be a shopping mall site or an intermediary platform like Carrot Market. We do not implement all the functions for product sales, but we implement all the core functions such as product registration, shopping cart implementation, and image and data search.
The reason why we are creating a product sales web is because it contains most of the features required to create a typical web application. Almost all web applications contain the following features:
Product registration and inquiry (table-type list)
Implementation of add to cart function and guidance modal on the detail page
Through this lecture, you will be able to comprehensively apply what you have learned in all the lectures of [Web Development Full Stack Course]. You will also be able to understand how frequently the web screen UI patterns emphasized throughout this course are used in practice. Just by fully understanding the web screen UI patterns, you will realize how quickly you can develop various screens.
This means that after completing this course, you can become a developer capable of developing at the level you want in the field . Let's take on the challenge together!
✅ Create front-end and back-end structures for web application development.
✅ You can develop completely from front-end to back-end for the most developed web screen UI patterns .
✅ Develop a product sales website with the most basic features and understand the process of developing an application .
✅ All example codes are available via GitHub .
A 24-year software developer who wants to make a positive impact on the world through software technology.
I love sharing my knowledge and always enjoy learning new skills.
I have worked as a consultant and developer to build ERP systems for over 60 global companies at home and abroad, and I also have experience selling software I developed myself to leading companies both domestically and internationally. I am also the CEO of an IT startup.
As a developer, as well as a UX consultant and sometimes as a business consultant, I have gained a lot of experience in the entire process of application and service development from planning to development. Now, based on my 20+ years of practical experience, I am sharing my knowledge with a sense of mission to impart really necessary skills and really proper knowledge to my juniors.
Who is this course right for?
People who want to implement everything from the web front-end to the back-end
Who needs a web portfolio?
People who have learned Vue.js and Node.js
Need to know before starting?
소프트웨어 기술을 통해 세상에 선한 영향력을 주고 싶은 24년차 소프트웨어 개발자.
지식을 나누는 것을 좋아하고 항상 새로운 기술을 익히는 것을 즐겨요.
국내외 60개가 넘는 글로벌 기업 ERP 시스템을 구축하는 컨설턴트 및 개발자로 활동하였고, 직접 개발한 소프트웨어를 국내는 물론 해외 유수의 기업에 판매를 한 경험 또한 가지고 있어요. IT스타트업 대표이사 이기도 해요.
개발자 뿐만 아니라, UX 컨설턴트로, 때로는 비즈니스 컨설턴트로 일하면서 애플리케이션과 서비스 개발 시 기획에서 개발까지 전과정에 대한 수많은 경험을 쌓았고, 이제는 20년이 넘는 실무 경험을 바탕으로 후배들에게 정말 필요한 기술, 정말 제대로 된 지식을 전달하는 사명감을 갖고 지식 나눔에 일을 하고 있어요.
이메일 -
15 lectures ∙ (11hr 58min)