인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



Understanding Microservice Architecture and MSA Patterns

We deliver the overall background of Microservice Architecture (MSA), the hottest keyword in the cloud field, various architectural patterns, application types, and legacy migration methods with voices from the field.

(4.7) 62 reviews

976 students


This course is prepared for Intermediate Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Microservice concept

  • Microservices development process

  • Conditions for Microservices Success

  • MSA Inner Architecture, outer Architecture

  • Hexagonal, clean architecture concept

  • MSA pattern

  • Application Modernization Type

  • Cloud Transition Strategy

The most notable thing in cloud infrastructure environment
Learn about the application type, "microservices" 🕵️‍♀️

The forest is bigger than the trees
Let's go through the process of figuring it out together

Microservices require a wide range of knowledge from infrastructure construction to front-end application design, development, testing, and deployment. However, it is difficult to perform actual work with only a partial understanding of technology, so this lecture aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the flow that cloud application developers need to know.

This course covers the background of the emergence of microservices, the concept of comparison with existing monolithic systems, and the various components, patterns, technologies, and development processes of MSA, providing a quick overview of the MSA knowledge system.

" I understand the general meaning of the MSA terms, but I don't think I know the exact meaning.
"I don't know what knowledge to acquire first."

"We are trying to convert our existing system to a cloud application,
"Should we definitely go with microservices ? I'm a bit scared."

"Our company is responding quickly to business like Netflix, Amazon, Uber, etc.
"I want to make it an agile company , but I'm worried because the developers are not very confident.

What's special about this course 📗

  • The lectures are given with vivid field voices based on the experiences of practitioners.
  • We aim for the ideal of microservices, but present an approach that reflects reality.
  • This lecture is a purely spoon-fed lecture without any practical training! 😁

People like this will like it 🏃‍♀️

Cloud applications
Legacy Developers Who Want to Develop

Suggest MSA related technology or
Practitioners who want to plan

First time in a cloud environment
Engineers who want to develop

Learning one by one
Microservices 💻

Understanding the concept of microservices

We define the concept of microservice systems and analyze their characteristics by comparing them to monolithic systems and microservices.

MSA is not a silver bullet.

We understand that the difficulty of building microservices and the level of building them must evolve over time, and we suggest a deployment plan based on the organization's capabilities.

Introduction to different architectural styles

Understand the changing trends of architectural styles and explore various architectural styles closely related to microservices.

Understanding the MSA Pattern for Microservice Architecture

Understand the various types of architectural patterns that make up microservice-based architecture and think about their relationships and application methods.

Microservice Internal Architecture

Learn about the hexagonal, clean architecture style, which is flexible and focuses on business logic and is widely used as the internal architecture of microservices.

Microservices development process

We define a Scrum-based microservice development process and examine how to apply it.

Understanding Transition/Strategies by Cloud Application Type

We explore the different types of cloud applications and explore transition strategies that are appropriate for each type.

After listening to all the lectures
Student's appearance 😎

  • You will be able to understand the overall scope, context, and relationship of MSA technology.
  • You can decide which unit skills to focus on and which ones to study first.
  • You will gain a perspective on MSA as a development culture that encompasses Agile, MSA, and Devops.
  • Understand the types of cloud applications and how to transition to them.
  • You will learn the pros and cons of microservices and what direction to take in your organization.

Q&A 💬

Q. Is this a course that covers both theory and practice?

This lecture focuses on concepts rather than practical training. From an engineer's perspective, it is very important to try it out right away, but you can learn the overall background knowledge and concepts in this lecture and learn about actual design and development in the lectures that will be prepared later.

Q. Can non-majors without practical experience also take the course?

Even if you don't have cloud experience, it's easy for developers with actual legacy experience to approach, but non-majors without practical experience may have difficulty with the terminology. However, even non-majors who have completed a boot camp should be fine.

Q. What level of content is covered in the class?

This course is designed to explain the relationships between the various technologies, techniques, and processes that make up MSA, and to help you understand their use. After taking this course, if you want to explore specific technologies further, you can take related courses.

24 year developer,
This is Han Jeong-heon. 💁‍♂️


  • Current domestic SI company software engineer
  • Lectures on SW subjects at Myongji University and Seoul National University of Science and Technology, MSA course at Korea Information Technology Research Institute (KITRI)
  • Multicampus, Korea Standards Association, Korea Quality Association MSA Course Mentoring
  • Specialization: Development methodology, software architecture/design/development techniques
  • 22 years, Wikibooks, "Domain-driven Microservice Development", author
  • National Institute for Lifelong Education, K-MOOC "Microservice Design and Implementation" Course Development and Lecture

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Developers who want to develop flexible and scalable software

  • Development executives who want to get a grasp on the concept of MSA

  • CIO, the leader driving MSA

  • Developers interested in architecture and design

  • Legacy Developers Preparing for the Cloud Transition

Need to know before starting?

  • Java

  • Software Engineering Fundamentals

This is











  • 국내 SI업체 소프트웨어 엔지니어(SA,AA)

  • 다수의 대규모 차세대 프로젝트 개발방법론 및 설계방법 리딩 

  • 명지대, 서울과학기술대  클라우드,SW과목 강의

  • SK C&C,한국정보기술연구원(kitri), LG전자 MSA과정 강의

  • 멀티캠퍼스, 한국표준협회, 한국품질협회 MSA 과정 멘토링,스파로스아카데미 웹개발 과정 멘토링 

  • 전문분야 : 개발방법론, 소프트웨어 아키텍처/설계/개발 기법

  • 22년 , 위키북스 "도메인주도로 시작하는 마이크로서비스 개발",  저자

  • 국가평생교육진흥원, K-MOOC "Microservice 설계 및 구현 "  강좌 개발 및 강의



30 lectures ∙ (9hr 42min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 


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