인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


3D Modeling

Sketchup Free 2024

SketchUp has Pro (paid) and Free versions. Let's learn with the free version, which has limited functions but can be practiced for free.

6 students are taking this course


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • You can learn how to use SketchUp.

  • You can learn how to create 3D models.

  • You can learn about materials and camera placement.

You can work quickly and stylishly.

SketchUp is also easy to learn
Easy to use
It is a 3D modeling tool.

You can draw and think in 3D.

Your thoughts in 3D
This is the best solution.

Detailed modeling is possible.

Accurate to 1/1000
Because the design is possible
You can plan in detail.

SketchUp has Pro (paid) and Free versions.

SketchUp is a 3D modeling program from Trimble .
It features an easy modeling interface.

What are the advantages of the free version of SketchUp?

SketchUp for Web

SketchUp's core 3D modeler in your web browser
You can find it.

Cloud storage space

10GB of Trimble Connect cloud storage
You can use it to share and share your projects.

View mobile model

The SketchUp app lets you create on your mobile device:
You can view the 3D model.

capable ability

Import SKP, JPG, PNG file types and convert SKP, PNG,
It can import STL file types internally.

3D Image Gallery

Access the project where the user creates the manufacturing
It can breathe meaning and internal structure into models.

SketchUp is free!

All you need is an internet connection. No credit card required.

How to use the free version of SketchUp~

  • I don't know how to use it for free, so I subscribed to a paid subscription.
    So there are many people studying it.

  • Use SketchUp for free right from the website.
    We'll show you how in the intro.

It's easier because there are subtitles at the bottom~

  • For beginners and those with hearing impairment
    Subtitles are provided to aid understanding.

  • At the bottom of each lecture, the teacher's explanation is provided as subtitles.
    It is included.

Learning Contents

SketchUp Basics: Create, Select, and Move

  • 2D shapes - rectangles, circles, arcs, etc.

  • Push/Pull - Create 3D shapes by extruding faces

  • Orbit - change viewpoint, pan screen, zoom in/out

  • Selection - Click on the desired object with the mouse

  • Move - Copy Mode: Hold down Ctrl and move

SketchUp Features That Make Working Easy

  • Change rotation axis: drag from center point, copy mode

  • Follow Me - Create 3D shapes by having a cross-section object follow a path

  • Offset - Copy at specified intervals

  • Flip - Flip around the desired axis

  • Copy mode: Hold down Ctrl and copy

  • Magnification - Enlarge or reduce an object

Functions for switching or measuring scenes

  • Scene Panel - Cameras, Standard Views, My Scenes

  • How to reposition or move an axis

  • Tape Measure - Measure distances, create reference lines

  • Protractor - measure angles, create reference lines

  • Leader text, screen text, 3D text

From surface and material to shadow camera positioning

  • cross section, cross section

  • Expressing materials with colors, images, etc.

  • Adjust shadows by date, time, light, dark, etc.

  • Camera positioning, look around,

  • Walking - A tool to simulate walking while maintaining a person's gaze (moving the camera)

Add-ons to improve your SketchUp skills

  • Component - Similar concept to Block in AutoCAD
    By symbolizing objects that are used repeatedly,
    Elements used

  • 3D Warehouse - SketchUp users
    A site where you can share your own models for free.

Learning Materials

  • All lesson materials shown in the video provided (Keyshot Bip, Photoshop, Tiff files)

Player Knowledge and Notes

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who want to learn a really easy 3D program

  • For those who want to do interior design with SketchUp

  • Those who want to design products, furniture, etc. with SketchUp

This is











애플의 MAC이란 컴퓨터가 디자인을 더 잘할 수 있게 만들었던 시절.

Adobe에 포토샵과 일러스트레이터를 학원에서 강의를 시작했던 것이 25년이 훨씬 지나버렸네요~~^^

학원에서 강의를 했던 엄선생, 하선생, 구선생이란 부른는 대신 엄티, 구티라고 불렀던 시절이 생각나

그 선생들과 함께 컴퓨터티쳐를 줄여서 컴티라고 쓰게 되었네요!

앞으로도 배우는 분들을 위해 열심히 지식을 공유하는 컴퓨터티쳐가 되겠습니다.







21 lectures ∙ (5hr 8min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

Last updated: 


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