This is not a video editing tool lecture where you just memorize shortcuts, but a Final Cut Pro lecture where you can understand editing through your own body!
What you will learn!
The basics of video editing
How to use Final Cut Pro
To start YouTube, to create a video portfolio,
Or maybe you started studying video editing to capture fleeting moments on video. Why give up after just three days?
By any chance, have you only learned 'how to use editing tools' and not 'editing'?
Are you searching through YouTube? Are you learning how to make funny scenes but can't get any further? Are you familiar with the program but can't figure out how to use it?
What we need to learn is not how to use a video editing program, but video editing itself. Just as being good at using a word processor does not guarantee that you will be able to write good articles, being good at using a video editing program does not guarantee that you will be able to edit well.
Just as you need to know the principles of a machine to be able to fix it and use it when it breaks down, if you edit a video with only simple knowledge, you won't be able to take a single step forward when a problem occurs. If you don't understand the incredible features that Premiere has, it's like not being able to use a really good bowl properly.
In fact, most of the Premiere Pro courses on the market focus on how to use the program, so I will teach you how to use the program while understanding the essence of editing. Learn video editing efficiently through this course and apply it to your own videos right away :)
My lectures are designed with the following in mind:
There's a world of difference between knowing the core principles of editing and being able to handle a program and not.
If you know the basics of video editing, you can edit well no matter what video editing tool you use.
If you are only learning shortcuts without properly understanding the essence of Final Cut's functions,
Is it worth investing a lot of money in Mac equipment and learning Final Cut properly?
So, in this lecture, we will learn about the convenience and intuitiveness of Final Cut.
We will introduce various functions that you can utilize properly.
Before learning Final Cut, let's review the purpose and direction of video editing.
Learn about libraries, bundles, and collections, which are the core of Final Cut's basic structure.
Transitions between scenes, various video effects, keyframes, etc.
Learn about a variety of effects that can add flavor to your videos.
How to use still images such as photographs or graphics, how to create subtitles,
Learn how to enrich your videos with color correction, audio correction, and more.
I started my career as a broadcasting station PD and have been producing videos for 30 years.
Since 2002, I have been running a professional editing studio using Final Cut Pro.
He currently runs a personal production company and is studying Media Contents at Chung-Ang University.
I am teaching a video production practical course.
Books I wrote 📜
<Making videos for the first time> (Click to go to the book site!)
A. You can learn the basics of editing and do most editing tasks easily.
You will also gain an understanding of the principles of editing and a foundation for developing your own skills.
A. It is not a duty to learn editing tools, but anyone can easily learn by watching the lecture.
The content is organized so that you can follow along and feel your skills improving!
This lecture uses Final Cut Pro X, an editing program exclusively for Mac.
Windows users may have difficulty taking the course. Please take note of this when taking the course.
Who is this course right for?
For those who want to learn how to use Final Cut Pro in its entirety
Anyone who wants to learn video editing
For those who want to learn the basic concepts and feel of video editing.
Need to know before starting?
Basic knowledge of Apple computers
EBS PD를 15년 하다가 그만두고
미국에서 영화제작으로 석사학위 취득
한국에 돌아와
대학에서 학생들을 가르치며
현장에서 영상 제작에 관한 컨설팅을 하고 있음
16 lectures ∙ (5hr 24min)
Just give it a try
What is editing?