인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Business & Marketing


etc. (Business & Marketing)

First Encounter with the Real Metaverse - From Concept to Utilization

This is the first beginner's course on metaverse business in Korea. You can solve everything from the concept of metaverse to its utilization at once. It will be helpful to everyone who is conducting metaverse business.

(4.8) 11 reviews

117 students


This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • The concept of metaverse

  • Metaverse Industry Structure

  • Metaverse new business idea

  • How to use Gathertown and create a space

  • How to use Roblox Studio and create worlds

Metaverse, from concept to use!
We'll tell you everything you ever wanted to know.

What on earth is the metaverse?

There is a lot of talk about the Metaverse. From investment information to press articles, there is no place where the Metaverse is not mentioned. However, only the concept and cases of the Metaverse are explained, and it is difficult to find ideas and implementation methods that can be applied in actual practice.

Many people in business have probably thought about this at least once.
What is the Metaverse?

  • What can you do with the metaverse?
  • What can I do now in relation to the metaverse?
  • What ideas do we need to drive real businesses in the midst of the Metaverse craze?
  • I have a feel for the metaverse from reading books and listening to lectures, but how can I get ideas for an action plan that I can actually implement?

I structured the lecture to address these issues.

Through this lecture, you will be able to get real business ideas utilizing the metaverse. We will introduce business strategy items that can be implemented right now according to the industrial structure that constitutes the metaverse.

What do you learn?



Characteristics of the industry

I make it with my own hands
Metaverse World

First, I recommend you read a book about the metaverse. It would also be good to look up a few YouTube videos. There will be many good examples of the metaverse. But then you will be at a loss as to what to do. This is the most frustrating part for those who want to come up with ideas related to their current work or to know what the metaverse looks like in reality.

Roblox, Gathertown logo

This course does not just explain boring concepts and cases. It presents various ideas that can be started anew in light of the industrial structure and characteristics of the metaverse. And you can experience the realization of the metaverse by creating a world using Roblox and Gathertown, which are the hottest issues these days.

Attention these people!

  • Have you been tasked with coming up with ideas for the metaverse?
  • Do you want to experience what the metaverse is and what its features are in real life?

This lecture will solve your problems.

The metaverse
What is it
Anyone who wants to know

The metaverse
Anyone who wants to see the appearance

For the client
Metaverse World
People who need to make it

Metaverse related
New business ideas
Who should report

This will also help people like this.

  • ✅ Anyone who wants to create their own world in the metaverse
  • ✅ School/academy teachers and corporate training managers who want to create a metaverse lecture environment
  • ✅ Those who want to plan a business related to the metaverse while experiencing the metaverse firsthand
  • ✅ People working in corporate/public institution related departments

Only for this lecture
Let me tell you about its special advantages.

  • Along with the concepts, we present practical, actionable perspectives and ideas .
  • Provides examples of various metaverses and insights that can be gained through them.
  • Even if you are not good with computers or lack IT knowledge, you can create a metaverse world by following along step by step.
  • Experience the most popular metaverse platforms all at once.
  • As you create your own metaverse world, you will naturally get a grasp of the concept of the metaverse and come up with ideas for how to use it .

In order
Try learning it!

1) Metaverse Overview

First, we explain the concept and industrial characteristics of the metaverse.

2) Metaverse new business idea

We present new business ideas utilizing the metaverse.

3) Create a Gathertown World (Space)

We will teach you how to create a world (space) in gather.town, one of the recently rising metaverse platforms.

4) Create a Roblox World

We'll show you how to create a Roblox world, one of the most popular metaverse platforms.

Created this course
Introducing the knowledge sharer.

Park Hyung-joo

It is packed with practical know-how that can be applied immediately in business practice.
#Edutech #LifelongLearning #Metaverse #E-learning

<Open Learning Lab Director Park Hyung-joo>

* Currently serving as the director of Open Learning Lab Co., Ltd. after working in the fields of e-learning, edutech, and lifelong learning
* PhD in Educational Technology with a keen interest in helping individuals and organizations learn and grow
* Focus on turning ideas into reality in areas such as digital learning, edutech, lifelong learning, and the metaverse.
* Active as a business content creator producing various contents necessary for business

<Business Area>

* EdTech system and service consulting
* Information system planning and consulting
* Planning and consulting on public work systems
* Web project management, web service planning, learning content planning
* Data analysis, learning analysis
* Web Trend Lecture
* Startup business model coaching and consulting
* Metaverse-related lectures and consulting, world building projects

Ask a question you're curious about
Check it out 💬

Q. I don’t really understand the keyword “metaverse.” Will it be difficult to listen to the lecture?

The keyword metaverse did not suddenly disappear. It is just that a keyword that has been around for a long time has recently begun to receive attention. In addition, as the keyword metaverse has become popular, people have started to talk about various industries as metaverses. Metaverse is one of the umbrella concepts. Rather than having one exact object, we call it metaverse for various things that have specific properties and are related to it. You will be able to learn about the concept, types, and areas where it can be utilized while taking the course. Don't worry too much.

Q. I need to plan and present an idea related to the metaverse. Will this lecture help?

Of course, it will be helpful. Those who have heard about the metaverse as a special lecture topic or learned about the metaverse from a book may have had difficulty resolving their curiosity about what to do next. This course was created to scratch the itch of these people. I tried to solve new business ideas in various ways from the perspective of a knowledge sharer. And you may get ideas while creating Roblox and Gathertown World yourself. If you need to create a business plan, take this course right now. You won't regret it.

Q. Will it be difficult to take the course if I lack computer knowledge or IT skills?

I tried to explain it in an easy and simple way. You don't need any special computer knowledge or IT skills. Since I will explain it step by step, you will be able to take the course without much difficulty. Don't worry and challenge yourself. I hope you will experience the new metaverse world.

Q. I think I might have questions about the metaverse after taking the course. Do you also provide aftercare?

Knowledge and services related to the metaverse are continuously emerging. Therefore, this course will be continuously updated accordingly. When a new service is released, we will update the introduction and usage of the service. Also, if you have any questions, please ask them on the community Q&A board. I will help you as much as I can and think together with you.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone curious about what the metaverse is

  • People who are curious about the characteristics of the metaverse

  • People who need to plan new metaverse business ideas

  • People who want to create their own metaverse world

  • People who need to plan and operate metaverse-related projects

Need to know before starting?

  • No special player knowledge

This is











비즈니스 실무에서 바로 사용할 수 있는 실용적인 노하우를 알차게 담았습니다.
#에듀테크 #평생학습 #메타버스 #이러닝


<오픈러닝랩 박형주 소장>

* 이러닝, 에듀테크 그리고 평생학습 분야를 거쳐 현재 오픈러닝랩 주식회사의 소장으로 재직 중
* 개인과 조직이 학습하고 성장하는 것에 관심이 많은 교육공학 박사
* 디지털 학습, 에듀테크, 평생학습, 메타버스 등의 영역에서 아이디어를 현실로 만드는 것에 집중
* 비즈니스에 필요한 각종 콘텐츠를 생산하는 비즈니스 콘텐츠 크리에이터로 활동 중



* 에듀테크 시스템 및 서비스 컨설팅
* 정보시스템 기획 및 컨설팅
* 공공 업무시스템 기획 및 컨설팅
* 웹프로젝트 관리, 웹서비스기획, 학습콘텐츠 기획
* 데이터분석, 학습분석
* 웹트렌드 강의
* 스타트업 비즈니스 모델 코칭 및 컨설팅
* 메타버스 관련 강의 및 컨설팅, 월드 구축 프로젝트



88 lectures ∙ (9hr 50min)

Last updated: 


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