인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Task Automation

First RPA lecture

This is a UiPath StudioX course that is essential for RPA beginners. You can understand RPA through various practical exercises and develop it yourself through learning.

(4.0) 2 reviews

27 students


This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • Learn UiPath StudioX Basics

  • Handling Input Action Automation

  • Handling recordings

  • Handling Excel Automation

  • Handling Word Automation

  • Handling Folder Automation

  • Handling Outlook Automation

  • Covering a variety of hands-on exercises

First encounter with RPA,
Meet UiPath StudioX! 🤖

What is RPA ❓

From practice to summary
Through systematic repetitive learning
The basics of RPA
We will definitely catch you.

Lectures in less than 10 minutes
No time to be bored
Only the lectures I want
Take your pick.

Just follow the video
Before I knew it, my computer
I'm working on it myself
You will see.

Why you should start with RPA

According to statistics on 15,000 office workers in 11 countries, office workers spend a lot of time on tasks related to email (28%), data entry (26%), and report-related tasks (24%). Korea ranks third after Mexico and Brazil, showing that a lot of time is spent on tasks that they do not prefer.

If these tasks continue, you will be stressed. That is why you need RPA to take care of these tasks. RPA will take care of the tasks you do not like and help you focus on other valuable tasks.

✔️ Studio vs StudioX

✒️ Join us in class

Even vivid reviews! 💛

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those curious about RPA

  • For those who are new to UiPath

  • Anyone who wants to learn the basics of UiPath

  • Those who want to improve their development skills through various practical training

  • For those who want to use rich functions through various activities

This is











코코아 소프트는

인간이 더 인간답게 일하는 환경을 위해

국내 도입 초기부터 RPA와 함께 해왔습니다.

기업을 넘어 모두가 개인 로봇을 가지는 1인 1봇 시대까지

여러분과 함께 하겠습니다.



29 lectures ∙ (2hr 38min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
Last updated: 


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