인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



TDD Development by Following [Updated in November 2023]

In this course, you will create a Node.js application using test-driven development (TDD).

(4.8) 71 reviews

1,191 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Node.js

  • Test Driven Development

  • Express.js

  • Mongo DB

  • Jest

  • Supertest

Knowledge Sharer Rating 4.9! With John Ahn
Try building your own web app using the TDD method .

Topic Introduction 📝

In this tutorial, we will create a Node.js application using test-driven development.

Test-driven development (TDD) is becoming increasingly standard in development.
In today's world where more stable applications are required,
Because it is a very effective way to reduce debugging time during the development process.

But many companies still say they don't have time.
There are still many places that say they have not yet applied the TDD method to their work.
And when I actually tried to apply TDD, I was not familiar with the new module and the new development method.
It seems like there are many cases where people are giving up on the TDD approach again.

So in this lecture, we will learn how to easily implement test-driven development.
I created a lecture that will help you learn TDD by following along.

In this lecture, you will learn test-driven development.
I hope you find it useful, whether in your practice or in your personal portfolio!

What you will learn in this course ✏️

  • Basic structure
    Node.js Express.js mongoDB Mongoose
  • Test Driven Development
    Jest Supertest node-mocks-http

Course Features 💡

A unique feature of my lectures is that I always explain using diagrams.

Find all parts of the lecture that can be diagrammed, rather than just diagramming specific parts.
I tried to make it easier to understand using diagrams.

And the course is structured in a way that you repeat what you have learned multiple times.
It has the feature of automatic review.

Tools covered here 🧰

I use Visual Studio Code, but you can use any editor you like.
I use a MAC but it works on Windows too.

Great lecture to study together 🏃‍♂️

Node and React series that you can learn by following - Basic lecture
The first step to full stack development!
Have fun using JS with Node + React.
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Create a shopping mall site

Take your practical skills to the next level by creating a shopping mall site!
Learn Docker and CI environment by following along
Docker is widely used these days. How can I properly utilize it in practice?

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who wants to learn test-driven development

  • For those who want to create a more stable app

Need to know before starting?

  • Node.js

This is












즐겁게 개발하고 있는 개발자입니다. 

앞으로 많은 도움을 드릴 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.

- 따라하며 배우는 도커와 CI환경 저자
- 카카오 기업 신입 공채 FE 교수자
- 패스트캠퍼스, 구름 강사 
- 현대자동차 개발 기업 교육
- 신한은행 메타버스, 코빗 타운 풀스택 개발
- 여러 공공기관 SNS 풀스택 개발



48 lectures ∙ (4hr 50min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
  • Lecture Chart Materials

Last updated: 


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