인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Data Science


Data Analysis

Python library for data analysis and EDA

We will cover the major Python libraries that you must learn to become a data analysis expert.

(5.0) 6 reviews

63 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • A library for exploratory data analysis (EDA)

  • Handling multidimensional arrays with the Numpy library

  • Handling Data Frames with the Padas Library

Want to become a \`data analytics expert\`?

If you've learned Python, you should now be able to handle data.

Features of this course

📌 Describes a Python library for data preprocessing and exploratory analysis.

📌 This course is taught by a Star Training Instructor expert with over 20 years of teaching and project experience.

📌 The NumPy package and the Pandas package are Python libraries that you must learn.

I recommend this to these people

I want to deal with data.

The beginning of data analysis is to load the data and view the desired information.

I'm looking for a job as a data expert.
Data exploration and preprocessing are essential topics that data analysis or artificial intelligence experts must learn.

Can you trust the instructor?
All qualifications (engineer, vocational training instructor), degrees (doctorate), and teaching experience prove that I am an S-class instructor who has surpassed A-class.

Things to note before taking the class

Learning Materials

Practice environment

  • The lecture explains based on Windows.

  • In this lecture, we will use Jupyter Notebook in Anaconda.

💡 This lecture...

  • The lecture is given by a 2021 Information and Communications Technology Star Training Instructor recognized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

  • The course is taught by professional instructors who have thorough basic knowledge and extensive experience in field projects.

  • The course is taught by instructors who have qualifications as instructors in information technology development, information technology strategic planning, and artificial intelligence training.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • People who want to become data analysts after learning Python

  • People who want to discover insights through data analysis

Need to know before starting?

  • Python

This is











정보기술개발, 인공지능, 정보기술전략계획분야 스타훈련교사입니다.

20년 이상의 강의 경력과 고용노동부에서 인정하는 강의력으로 여러분에게 모든 기술을 전달하고자 합니다.

자바전문가그룹(JavaSpecialist.co.kr)이 인공지능의 성장을 고모합니다.



19 lectures ∙ (5hr 47min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

Last updated: 


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