This course introduces the basic concepts and practical processes of data visualization, and implements a dashboard using Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio). If you need a custom dashboard for your business, start learning. If you follow along step by step, you will soon gain enough know-how to create your own dashboard.
Build a solid foundation in data visualization
Learn the practical process of data visualization
Feel free to use LucasStudio features
How to create your own dashboard tailored to your business with LucasStudio
How to create a custom dashboard with GA data
How to create custom dashboards with external data sources
How to create a filter in LucasStudio
How to automatically send LucasStudio reports
The essential core know-how
Newly updated Looker Studio usage tips! 💫
Introduces the basic concepts and practical processes of data visualization,
This is a lecture that implements an actual dashboard using LucasStudio .
As interest in data analysis has grown, interest in dashboard creation has also grown. However, when I met people who were considering creating dashboards, many of them were daunted from the start due to the burden of development and costs. In addition, surprisingly, many of them thought visualization was simply about creating reports, or had never learned basic knowledge about data visualization.
So, in this lecture, we have prepared a lecture that combines theory and practice so that you can solve both problems of acquiring basic knowledge and creating a dashboard. If you are starting to visualize data, learn it!
Data visualization from the basics
For those who want to study hard
Create your own with Looker Studio
Anyone who wants to create a dashboard
Efficient report writing and work
Anyone who wants to create a process
Development, customization without cost burden
Anyone who wants to create a dashboard
I want to create a dashboard unique to my business, but I don't know where to start.
Write a report in Excel and automatically
Can't you update it?
Doesn't Looker Studio have less freedom?
I want to do calculations and edit data.
We don't have any development staff or money to spend.
It's burdensome, can you create a dashboard?
It covers the basic knowledge for data visualization, so you can build a solid foundation from the basic concepts. Even those who are just starting out with visualization can listen without any burden. Also, since the practice is based on Rooker Studio, you can create a dashboard without worrying about cost or development. In addition, the practice is conducted with the latest updates, so you can quickly understand the menus and functions.
1. Basic concepts of data visualization
2. Data visualization practice process
3. Types and features of charts that can be used for visualization
4. Practice with the latest updated version
5. Introduction to the main functions of Lucas Studio
6. Practice connecting external data
7. Create mixed data
8. Practice creating a sample report (dashboard)
Q. I have never done data visualization before. Can I still take this course?
Yes, you can. This lecture is a lecture that explains basic terms so that even those who are new to data visualization can take it, so feel free to start. After the basic theory lecture, you can use Ruckus Studio to create your own report (dashboard), so I think it will be easy to understand. I think you will learn more quickly if you follow the sample report after the lecture.
Q. Can I create a dashboard right away after taking this course?
Yes, this course consists of not only basic theory but also hands-on practice in creating reports (=dashboards), so you can apply it to your work right away by just changing the data source. After changing the source, you can also create your own dashboard by changing it to fit your business.
Q. I am already using LucasStudio (formerly DataStudio). Can I still take this course?
If you are already familiar with using LucasStudio and have experience creating reports (=dashboards), this may not be suitable. I recommend this to those who want to go back to basic concepts or are thinking about improving processes for efficiency.
Q. Is there anything I need to prepare before attending the lecture?
It would be helpful if you first prepare a Google Analytics account to connect. (Since sample data and a Google demo account are used in the lecture, there is no problem in taking the lecture even if you do not have data.) Also, if you have a middle school level knowledge of mathematics for statistics and charts, you will be able to understand it more easily.
As a digital marketing consultant, I have found that many people struggle with data visualization and dashboard creation, especially those who are too scared to even think about it due to the burden of development and costs.
So, I created this course using the free visualization tool, Rooker Studio, to show you how to create a dashboard without development and cost burden. Get started without any burden. It is structured so that you can create a report just by following along, so you can learn it without difficulty.
If you are new to data visualization, please also take the practical process theory lecture in the beginning. You can create more synergy if you study together. I recommend this lecture not only to beginners but also to those who want to build a solid foundation for efficient visualization.
Notes before taking the class ✔️
Who is this course right for?
For those who are new to data visualization
For those who want to study data visualization from the basics
For those of you who are new to Looker Studios
For those who want to discover the hidden features of Lucas Studio
For those who want to use the control function of Lucas Studio
For those of you who are tired of creating reports in Excel
For those interested in implementing a dashboard that updates in real time
For those who want to streamline their report writing process
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오픈소스마케팅 블로그:
18 lectures ∙ (4hr 2min)
Course Materials: