This class was created with the goal of providing knowledge and experience in JavaScript while creating (a Life Coding site).
1. Introduction to Web2-JavaScript class of Life Coding
This course was created to provide knowledge and experience in JavaScript while creating It is a life coding JavaScript course as part of the Web2 series.
People wanted the Web to be dynamic and interactive with users.
And that's how JavaScript was born.
If html is drawing a still image called information,
JavaScript makes information move like a movie.
This is magic.
You are now free to wield JavaScript.
I will become a wizard.
Are you ready? Let's go.
2. Class Target
This course is designed for those who want to make web pages interactive with users. The course covers how to dynamically create web pages like games or applications. Learn various grammars by adding day/night mode functions using javascript to the following web page, which is made only with html:
3. Conditions for class participation
If you don't know anything about HTML, you shouldn't take this class. This class is for those who know HTML. If you don't know HTML, you can take the WEB1 class below first and then take this class again. Go to WEB1 - HTML & Internet class