A beginner's guide to SQL coding! We'll teach you the secrets of writing, interpreting, and validating SQL.
What you will learn!
SQL Coding Principles
How to write good SQL
How to interpret SQL well
How to Validate SQL Well
And some SQL code editing tips
SQL that no one told me about,
The secret recipe for writing, interpreting, and verifying well!
📣 The author of [Everyone's SQL] and [Everyone's R Data Analysis] will teach you.
'Easy SQL Secret Recipe for Everyone' is a lecture in which an instructor with over a decade of SQL experience teaches beginners the most useful and useful tips for effectively utilizing SQL. Let's call these SQL recipes. Experience the SQL recipes that even your seniors haven't taught you.
"Why learn something you won't use?"
The 'Easy to Understand Only the Essentials' series is a lecture that aims to teach you the most useful things in an easy-to-understand manner, excluding things that are not necessary for practical use as much as possible.
SQL is a language that was created for the purpose of manipulating and outputting data. Therefore, the method of handling it should be different from other programming languages. Just as each dish has a different cooking method, SQL has its own unique code creation tips. Create your own delicious SQL dish through SQL recipes .
I especially recommend this to those who have no choice but to study SQL and data analysis on their own.
SQL beginner
SQL utilization
A person who is at a loss
SQL beginner
As an intermediate
For those who want to level up
Student/Test taker
SQL related
People preparing for certification
Beginner Developer
SQL coding
Those who want to do well
The author of the best-selling introductory SQL book, 'Everybody's SQL', covers special SQL usage topics not covered in the book.
Provides 15 secret recipes in 3 chapters on writing, interpreting, and validating SQL.
All practical examples are stored online and can be completed online without any installation required.
It consists of three chapters: Writing, Interpreting, and Verifying SQL, and you will learn SQL recipes for each chapter. First, you will learn the theory through the textbook, and then practice through LIVE SQL.
We will tell you about the features of SQL language that are different from other programming languages. We will cover the core SQL patterns that are the basis of this lecture. We will also cover how to handle LIVE SQL and the structure of a practice database.
We will teach you how to write good SQL by utilizing the characteristics of the SQL language. We will cover SQL patterns and modularization in depth. We will write SQL using patterns and modules.
We will teach you how to easily interpret SQL using the characteristics of SQL explained in Writing. Chapter 1. Explains the principles of writing and subsequent interpretation.
This covers the things beginners are curious about. We will teach you how to verify SQL logic, which is just as important as writing SQL.
We also cover some useful tips to keep in mind when coding SQL.
Q. Is this a lecture that non-majors can also take?
Made with non-specialists in mind. Explained in easy-to-understand beginner language.
Q. Is there anything I need to prepare before attending the lecture?
You just need to know SELECT ~ FROM and what a group function is.
However, it is structured so that you can get a feel for SQL even if you don't know anything about it.
Q. What level of content is covered in the class?
I will teach you within the beginner level of SQL, assuming you know the most basic grammar.
I am a lecturer who has walked only one path in the field of IT and data analysis. Based on IT technology, I have carried out various projects in various fields ranging from CRM, big data, and web analysis. I am organizing the data I have experienced and the rich experience I have had while working at large corporations and specialized companies into books and lectures.
Who is this course right for?
Anyone who wants to write, interpret, and verify SQL well
People who know basic SQL grammar but have difficulty using it
For those who are moving from the beginner level to the beginner level
Need to know before starting?
You only need to know the most basic SELECT FROM syntax.
27 lectures ∙ (4hr 5min)
are provided.