인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Data Science


Data Analysis

Network Analysis with R

Learn how to draw networks using R. Rather than drawing the network itself, we focus on building the shape of the data that will go into the network and how to draw the network nicely.

(3.7) 3 reviews

155 students


This course is prepared for Intermediate Learners.

What you will learn!

  • How to draw a network in R

  • How to draw a network using Gephi

🙆🏻‍♀ Learn how to draw networks using R. Rather than drawing the network itself, we focus on building the shape of the data that will go into the network and how to draw the network beautifully.🙆🏻‍♂

How to draw a pretty network with R/Network visualization using Gephi

🗒 Course Introduction

It is not difficult at all to draw a network using the network package. Just search for igraph in r on Google, copy + paste + run the example code that appears. However, it is not easy to draw a network using the data I have. This is because it is not easy to create data to enter the network function. In this lecture, you will learn how to preprocess your data into network data and draw a network using various R language functions and draw it nicely. The contents covered in this lecture are as follows.

🌈 Introducing Igaph

Introducing igraph, the most representative network package in R.

🌈 Network data preprocessing

In this lecture, we will draw a network for the purpose of extracting related words to the top keywords of news articles.

Preprocess text data to be fed into the network.

🌈 Drawing a network

Let's visualize the network using igraph and ggnetwork. We will also visualize the interaction network plot using visnetwork.

Visualization using Igraph

Visualization using ggnetwork

Visualization using visnetwork

🌈 Network visualization using Gephi

Let's visualize the network using gephi, a network-specific visualization software.

🙋🏻‍♂️ Expected questions related to the lecture

Q. Can I listen without knowing R at all?
A. It will be easier to listen if you have basic knowledge of R and basic knowledge of text mining. ㅠㅠ. I recommend that you take and listen to the R programming basics lecture (free) and text mining lecture that I uploaded.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who knows how to use R

  • Anyone who wants to draw a pretty network

  • Anyone who wants to analyze networks

Need to know before starting?

  • R Programming Basics

  • Basic knowledge of text mining

This is











학부에서는 통계학을 전공하고 산업공학(인공지능) 박사를 받고 여전히 공부중인 백수입니다.



ㆍ 제6회 빅콘테스트 게임유저이탈 알고리즘 개발 / 엔씨소프트상(2018)

ㆍ 제5회 빅콘테스트 대출 연체자 예측 알고리즘개발 / 한국정보통신진흥협회장상(2017)

ㆍ 2016 날씨 빅데이터 콘테스트/ 기상산업 진흥원장상(2016) 

ㆍ 제4회 빅콘테스트 보험사기 예측 알고리즘 개발 / 본선진출(2016)

ㆍ 제3회 빅콘테스트 야구 경기 예측 알고리즘 개발 / 미래창조과학부 장관상(2015)

* blog : https://bluediary8.tistory.com

주로 연구하는 분야는 데이터 사이언스, 강화학습, 딥러닝 입니다.

크롤링과 텍스트마이닝은 현재는 취미로 하고있습니다 :) 

크롤링을 이용해서 인기있는 커뮤니티 글만 수집해서 보여주는 마롱이라는 앱을 개발하였고

전국의 맛집리스트와 블로그를 수집해서 맛집 추천 앱도 만들었었죠 :) (시원하게 말아먹..)

지금은 인공지능을 연구하는 박사과정생입니다.







13 lectures ∙ (3hr 18min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

  • Orientation


Last updated: 


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