인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Programming Language

C Programming - From Introduction to Game Development

C is a little difficult, but it is a very basic language. Once you master C, you can learn other languages very easily. And, I will teach you NaDokCoding in a surprisingly easy way. Start C programming right now!

(4.8) 270 reviews

23,944 students


This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • Created the core mechanics in C language while making 9 games

  • C language programming

Introduction to C programming language while making games

This course is a C programming course for beginners that teaches you how to create your own game.

I learned it, but how do I use it?

Can I create my own program?

Pointers are really difficult? …

Don't worry! I know better than anyone what you find difficult, so I can teach you more easily than anyone else.

And in each lecture, we create our own game based on what we have learned.

Why should I learn difficult C?

C is a bit difficult, but it is a very basic language.

Once you master C, learning other languages becomes a breeze.

And, I'll teach you how to code in a surprisingly easy way!

C Programming, Start Now!

Inflearn's best C language course, proven by 20,000 people

has finally been made into a book!

From a variety of supplementary explanations and quizzes to source code tailored to the latest development environment,

If video lectures alone were not enough,

Meet us now!

👉 Go to purchase

Learning Objectives

I learned a ton of stuff but I forgot it all (X)

I learned only the key points, but it's so vivid (O)

Helpful people

Students subject to mandatory burden-bearing coding education

Parents are curious, designers are curious about development

A freshman in the computer science department who is excited

What are you doing? What are you doing? Anyone who needs a hobby?

Anyone who has never coded before but is interested!

Things to learn

Create 9 games and create the core mechanics yourself in C language.

<My dad is bald>

Please help me find a hair tonic for my sparkly dad

<Raising Fish>

Help keep the water in the hot desert from drying out

<Animal Flip>

Find the pair of cute animals

<Collecting Cats>

Collect all 5 cats that appear randomly.

<Secret Diary>

Write your own precious secret diary

★ As of June 2020, due to the instructor's circumstances, it is no longer possible to provide answers to questions regarding this lecture.

Most of your questions have already been answered in the past, so please search the Q&A board. ^^

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Free Python Course (Basic) - Become a Developer in 6 Hours

The most popular language according to Stack Overflow survey responses:
Study Python, which has grown the most rapidly in recent years, with Nadocoding.

Introducing the knowledge sharer

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If you subscribe to the Nado Coding channel, you can take various coding-related tip courses faster than anyone else.

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Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Students subject to mandatory coding education

  • Parents are curious, designers are curious about development

  • Thrilling Computer Science Freshman

  • What to do? What to do? If you need a hobby

  • Anyone who is interested in coding but has never tried it before!

This is











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코딩, 함께 하실래요? 😊

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📚 코딩 자율학습 나도코딩의 C 언어 입문



76 lectures ∙ (6hr 37min)

  • Integer variable


  • scanf


  • Project


Last updated: 


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