인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Data Science


Data Analysis

Convergence of AI and Big Data: A New Paradigm for Data Analysis

Do you want to become a data analytics expert of the future? Grab your chance now! This is a unique opportunity to explore infinite possibilities and learn how to derive powerful insights through cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology and big data.

(4.0) 2 reviews

12 students

Deep Learning(DL)
Machine Learning(ML)
Engineer Big Data Analysis

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Data pre-processing method

  • How to collect data from public data portal/SNS

  • How to use Orange3's data mining

  • Data analysis by machine learning/deep learning

Convergence of AI and Big Data: A New Paradigm for Data Analysis

After taking this course, you will acquire the following capabilities and become a data analysis leader.

1. You can learn to understand data analysis principles and utilize analysis tools.

  • You can understand how Machine Learning and Deep Learning work.

  • You can learn the operating principles and usage of Orange 3, a data mining tool.

  • You can apply it directly to your work with various types of data analysis practice.

2. You can encounter Big Data collection and utilization cases in various environments.

  • You can learn about various data collection routes, such as public data and environmental data.

  • You can learn data collection tools from the Internet and SNS (Social Network Service).

  • You can learn the preprocessing process of various data.

3. You can learn Text Mining techniques.

  • You can learn Topic Modeling techniques.

I recommend this to these people.

Who should take this course (1)

For those who want to know how big data and artificial intelligence work

Who should take this course (2)

Anyone who wants to use their own data analysis tools

Who should take this course (3)

A person who needs various data exploration/collection and data preprocessing methods

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who wants to know how to explore and collect the data they need

  • For those who are curious about how artificial intelligence works

  • Data Analysis Beginner

  • For those who want to analyze data more easily using the statistical SPSS package

This is










  • [구] LG유플러스 네트워크 기술

  • [구] 홈플러스 정보서비스 기획

  • [구] 다산네트워크 융합연구소


  • [현]NIPA/NIA/IITP 블록체인/인공지능 기술 심사위원

  • [현]한국열린사이버대학 인공지능융합학과 초빙교수

  • [현]호서대학교 벤처대학원 융합공학과 초빙교수

  • [현]고려사이버대학 융합정보대학원 외래교수

  • [현]스마트코아솔루션 창업/대표이사


  • Mainstream 방식을 이용한 비연결형 감시 프로토콜-한국통신학회

  • 딥러닝 알고리즘 기반의 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 예측 성능 비교분석-융합정보논문지

  • 빅데이터 기반한 미세플라스틱 지적네트워크 분석-융합정보논문지

  • 텍스트 마이닝 의한 한·중·일 미세플라스틱 연구 동향 비교 분석-융합정보논문지

  • 토픽모델링과 네트워크 분석에 기반한 AI 음성기술 연구 동향 분석 -융힙정보논문지


  • 데이터 분석 및 통계 예측

  • 음성인식과 자연어 처리

  • 블록체인/ NFT



13 lectures ∙ (10hr 25min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

  • Week 2_Big Data Overview


Last updated: 


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