인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
Security & Network



Easy-to-understand computer networks from someone with 20 years of experience

Learn the theory of computer networks. Study networks thoroughly by configuring your own network using a simulation program. We provide lecture materials with good explanations.

(4.9) 60 reviews

999 students


This course is prepared for Beginners.

What you will learn!

  • You can understand the communication theory and Physical, MAC, Network, and Transport Layers for configuring wired and wireless computer networks.

  • Learn how communications theory is practically applied to computer networks using the Packet Tracer program.

  • We will configure an integrated network that integrates wired and wireless networks and learn about the various protocols used in it.

  • You can easily learn about the protocols that make up a network.

Through computer network theory and practice
Let's build confidence in networking! 💪

This is the first lecture of the "Complete Network Conquest" roadmap.

Lecture Topic

This lecture covers the theory of various protocols that operate on computer networks, and includes related content so that you can learn the basic/fundamental knowledge of networks by practicing them using packet tracer, and also so that you can directly configure and verify a simple network.

Why should I learn?

In today's environment where every device is connected to a network, having an IT job requires an understanding of networks. Computer networking is not an option, it is a necessity.

Why is the course period unlimited?

We update the lecture content. If you take the lecture, you have the advantage of being able to hear additional content without paying extra money. It could be network technology or a problem for proficiency verification.

Why I Created This Course

When studying computer networks, it was difficult to understand how protocols are used if you only study theories. Especially when handling equipment in practice, there were times when it was difficult to understand how protocols work. So I thought it would be much better to study theories and then practice the related theories right away, so I created this lecture.

💡 Course Features

Explains the essential theory.
We explain only the simple and essential parts so that they are easy to understand.

• Explains the core parts of network essential theory in an easy-to-understand manner.
• We did not cover obsolete technologies, reflecting the latest technologies.
• After fully explaining the principles and key points, we will practice them using Packet Tracer.
• The exercises are designed to be easy to understand and follow even for beginners.

📜 Brief introduction to the curriculum

Section 0. Preparing Packet Tracer
After you obtain a Packet Tracer license and install the program, learn how to use it.
Section 1. Introduction to Computer Networks
Learn what a computer network is and what its components are.
Section 2. Essential Computer Network Theory
Learn more about the essential theories of computer networks.
Section 3. Network configuration using simulation
Learn and practice the devices and protocols that make up a network.
Section 4. Integrated Network Design/Implementation/Verification
Based on what we have studied so far, we will design and implement an integrated network and verify it.

Expected Questions Q&A

Q-1. Can non-majors also take the course?
Yes. I explained it carefully from the beginning so that anyone can easily understand. If you have any difficulties while learning, please ask questions.

Q-2. What program do you use to practice networking?
Use the “Packet Tracer” program from Cisco Systems. It is legally licensed and the user registration is also included in the lecture.

Q-3. Will I be able to understand networks well after attending the lecture?
Yes. You can also configure and verify a network that integrates wired and wireless.



  • Packet Tracer program supports Windows and MAC environments.
  • Questions will be answered in bulk every Saturday.
  • Unauthorized distribution or public posting of class content and materials is prohibited.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • For those who want to understand the integrated wired and wireless network structure

  • Anyone who wants to configure a network using network equipment

  • For those who want to understand the communication theory of computer networks through practice

  • For those who have learned network theory but still don't understand it

Need to know before starting?

  • No prior knowledge required. Anyone with the passion to learn and the will to keep trying is welcome.

  • Lecture materials with good explanations are a bonus~~ ^^

This is











- network8255@gmail.com, 네트워크, 보안, IoT/AIoT/AI 분야  공공기관 및 다수 기업체 특강(현) 
- Cisco Networking Academy Instructor(현)
- AWS Academy Instructor(현)
- 국가 산업 발전 유공 국무총리 표창 수상
- 국제기능올림픽대회 국가대표 지도위원(전)
- 국가기술자격 정책심의위원회 전문위원회 위원(전)
- 한국과학기술정보연구원(전)
- 삼성전자 첨단기술연수소 강사(전)
- 국가기술자격(기사, 기능장)출제 및 검토위원(전)
- 공무원 시험 출제 및 검토위원(전)



33 lectures ∙ (11hr 37min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

Last updated: 


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