인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Devops & Infra

Kubernetes 101 - First Steps in Cloud/Server Development

Understand the core concepts of Kubernetes and the principles of microservice architecture through hands-on training.

(4.8) 5 reviews

91 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Core Concepts of Kubernetes

  • Cloud app development and deployment process

  • Principles of Microservice Architecture

  • Google Cloud Code (SDK)

Learning Kubernetes for the first time, easy with practice!

Standard for cloud/server environments
Kubernetes Basics Correction

Kubernetes, the beginning of cloud/server app development

In this course, you will learn how to develop and deploy applications in a Kubernetes environment and understand the core concepts of Kubernetes and the design principles of microservice architecture (MSA).

The cloud/server environment is complex and requires a lot of knowledge. It is also constantly changing and evolving. This makes it difficult for beginners to approach.

Kubernetes (K8s) can be said to be the standard for cloud/server environments . Since major cloud providers such as AWS, Google, and Microsoft also support Kubernetes, Kubernetes can be said to be the first knowledge you need to know for cloud/server development.

Learning Kubernetes by Hands-on by Minikube

Minikube allows you to configure a Kubernetes environment on your PC. This means you can study cloud/server development even without a connected server.

In this lecture, we will set up a Kubernetes environment with Minikube and practice developing a simple example application. Through practice, let’s understand the core concepts of Kubernetes and build a foundation as a cloud/server developer!

For those of you new to Kubernetes
Kubernetes 101 Getting Started

💡 For those who are new to Kubernetes, we will provide a step-by-step explanation. If you follow along and study, you will be able to learn Kubernetes and cloud/server development without difficulty.

Recommended Learners ✅

  • Anyone who wants to know Kubernetes
  • Anyone who wants to learn about cloud/server development
  • Anyone interested in microservice architecture (MSA)

Skills covered ✅

  • Minikube, Kubernetes
  • Node.js, Docker, YAML, Redis DB

Key Learning Contents ✅

  • Understand the core concepts of Kubernetes and be able to configure services.
    • pod, deployment, replicaset, statefulste, autoscaler
    • service, ingress, persistent volume
  • You will be able to understand the cloud/server development process and develop apps.
    • Node.js Web Server Development - Build - Deploy
    • Visual Studio Code + Google Cloud Code

We provide subtitles for class videos so even beginners can easily follow along and practice.

Detailed Curriculum 📚

Entire curriculum
Learning Objectives

In this lecture, we will develop a counter app consisting of three microservices and deploy it to Kubernetes. Through this, we will understand the core concepts of Kubernetes and the basic principles of microservice architecture.

  • The ingress API gateway forwards requests to services.
  • The web-inc service handles count increment requests (INC).
  • The web service processes a request (GET) for the count value.
  • The redis service stores a count value.

Section 1
Handling Kubernetes with the kubectl command

Learn how to create and manage Kubernetes components using kubectl, the Kubernetes command tool.

  • Deployment is done using the nginx image, which is a web server.
  • Expose the nginx pod as a service.
  • Create an ingress API gateway and connect the service.

Section 2
Developing Node.js apps on Kubernetes

Develop a simple web service and deploy it to Kubernetes. Learn how to specify and manage Kubernetes components with YAML files.

  • Develop web services with the Node.js HTTP module.
  • Create (build) a Docker image to deploy the developed web service.
  • Deploy the generated image as deployment.
  • Exposes pods created by a deployment as a service.

We will practice the basic process of developing a cloud/server app in a Kubernetes environment. (Development - Image Build - Deployment) The source code of Section 2 can be found on github.

Section 3
Creating a Counter App

We develop a counter app that stores count values as files in persistent volume and serves them.

This tutorial walks you through how to automate builds and deployments using Google Cloud Code. The source code for Section 3 is available on github.

Section 4
Completing the Counter app with Redis DB

We will implement the final structure of this lecture, which consists of a web-inc service that handles count increase requests, a web service that returns the count value, and a redis service that stores the count value in a Redis DB.

  • Web and web-inc services that do not require state storage are configured with deployment.
  • Redis services that need to save state are configured as statefulsets.
  • Set up Redis DB in master-slave structure.
  • Set up an ingress API gateway that routes services based on requests.
  • We also set up an autoscaler to automatically adjust the number of pods based on CPU load.

The source code for Section 4 is available on github.

Q&A 💭

Q. Is there anything I should know before attending the lecture?

  • This course is hands-on, so no special prior knowledge is required.
  • However, basic knowledge and experience in computers/networks and programming may be required.
  • Just follow along slowly.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • People who want to know Kubernetes

  • Anyone curious about cloud app development and deployment

  • People who want to learn microservice architecture

Need to know before starting?

  • Basic knowledge of computers, networks, and programming.

This is











소프트웨어 아키텍트 & 교육가

현) 보이는소프트웨어연구소 대표(2016~현재)
  - 삼성전자 소프트웨어 아키텍트 양성 및 인증
  - 소프트웨어 구조 설계 및 평가 교육 / 컨설팅

중앙대학교 소프트웨어 대학 겸임 교수(2018~2022)
  - 기초 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 - C/C++, JavaScript, Python




31 lectures ∙ (3hr 10min)

Last updated: 


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