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인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Web Development

Sass Basics for Beginners & Grapefruit Talk Clone Coding

Sass is an extension language of CSS. It complements the shortcomings of CSS and guarantees excellent productivity, and is powerful and concise. Learn the basic syntax and enjoy clone coding using what you have learned. It's more fun and less burdensome!

(4.9) 16 reviews

139 students

Clone Coding

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Sass

  • SCSS

  • CSS

CSS code I wrote with Sass
Take readability & productivity to the next level!

Next Level of CSS,
Sass introductory course

This course is a Sass basic course for beginner CSS developers, consisting of 23 videos from basic theory to practical exercises. If you have basic knowledge of HTML/CSS, you can easily understand this course.

This lecture
I recommend this to these people

I learned it…

Anyone who wants to develop further as a web developer

Would you like to learn?

For those who know Sass but are hesitant to study it

Because of CSS
I'm stressed

Anyone who has ever stayed up all night struggling with CSS

Clone coding
They say it’s popular…

Anyone interested in learning through clone coding

What is Sass?

Sass (Syntatically Awesome StyleSheets) is a powerful and stable CSS extension language. As a CSS preprocessor, it provides various functions for style sheets, greatly contributing to productivity and readability.

What kind of lecture is it?

This is for those who are interested in learning Sass but are hesitant because it is burdensome. We will learn the basic theories that must be learned in the introductory stage, and then have time to become familiar with Sass through clone coding. Clone coding is a study method that learns while creating an actual service. It is a fast and effective study method that learns while creating an actual service with your own hands !

Lecture Contents
Check it out in advance

Grapefruit Talk Clone Coding
Preview the results

We will practice making a website by actively utilizing Sass. The website we will make is called Jamong Talk, which is a website that imitates the messenger app Kakao Talk. Of course(!), this Jamong Talk is not a website that is actually in service. It is a website that we made to practice with you.

Clone coding... Is it burdensome?

Some people may feel burdened by the clone coding method of setting a completion goal and coding step by step to achieve it. For those people, we will provide the completed code, so please feel less afraid and join us with the mindset of doing it step by step.

Before class
Please check

First, please prepare the following items!

💻 Computer
💻 Code editor (We use Visual Studio Code in class)
💻 Typing skills (slow speed is okay)

Second, I will let you know in advance before taking the class!

👉🏻 Most basic theory videos feature scenes of writing code, but many times the video is sped up or the typing process is skipped because it can easily become boring. Therefore, if you are following the coding practice, we recommend that you use the pause function appropriately while practicing! (Please rest assured that you will be writing code relatively slowly when cloning^^)

HTML/CSS Basics Course

HTML Basics for Beginners

Introduces the main concepts and basic grammar of HTML, which is the basis of websites.

CSS Basics for Beginners

Introduces the main concepts and basic grammar of CSS needed to decorate a website.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Anyone who is studying or has studied HTML/CSS

  • People who studied CSS but feel like something is lacking

  • People who want to experience clone coding

Need to know before starting?

  • HTML

  • CSS

This is











개발자 출신 십잡스 크리에이터.
프로그래밍 강사 겸 작가로 활동하고 있습니다.
유튜브 <유노코딩> 채널 운영 중입니다.


배움의 과정에서 겪는 불필요한 고통들이 사라지길 바라고, 또 그래야만 한다고 믿습니다.
경험자의 진정성과 경험을 나누면 고통은 줄어들 수 있습니다.


저의 모든 강의 콘텐츠에서 그런 마음을 느끼실 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
많은 분들이 코딩을 재미있게 느끼고, 단순하게 이해할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 항상 노력하고 있습니다.





27 lectures ∙ (4hr 7min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
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