Are you a front-end developer and have you ever felt disappointed because you couldn't implement a login function? Have you ever wanted to implement a function that saves and loads data using a DB, but found it burdensome to study queries? With Firebase, it's easy! Let's implement essential functions for web development, such as user authentication, data storage, and hosting, with the power of React and Firebase! (This lecture was recorded in August 22 and reflects the major update of Firebase.)
What you will learn!
Custom React Hooks
All you need is React + Firebase
Frontend and backend, done by yourself! 🔥
Implementing client features (HTML, CSS, JS) is possible, but
There are no backend developers around me
A lecture for those who have experience with stamping their feet!
Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform.
A backend service that helps you develop high-quality apps quickly.
In this lecture, we will create a simple application with React .
What you can do on the backend using Firebase
Implement user authentication and data communication (save, load, delete)
Let's create a complete web application.
While creating the <Heart-pounding Secret Diary> service together,
Let's implement functions such as service login, post saving, and deletion!
[3] Implementing post deletion function
Recently, Firebase underwent a major update, making the existing V8-based code almost unusable. This course is based on Firebase Web Version 9, the latest version as of 2022.
In this lecture, we handle routing using React's react-router-dom. The code runs based on the latest version, Version 6, which was recently updated.
You can customize React Hooks yourself and create your own hooks. Of course, you can also use existing Hooks such as useState and useReducer.
We provide a detailed lecture material. It contains all the contents so that you can implement the functions with just the lecture material without watching the video lecture. It is good for reference while watching the lecture, and it is also very useful for refreshing the contents.
You can understand the overall operating flow of a web application, which is easy to miss when studying only the front-end.
You can become more familiar with hooks by customizing your own React hooks.
1. Setting up the Firebase project
Let's set up our project directly to use Firebase.
3. Managing environment variables
Learn how to safely manage important data as environment variables.
4. Implement login, logout, and sign-up using Firebase
Let's implement this function simply using the login, logout, and sign-up functions supported by Firebase.
5. Storing, calling, and deleting data using Firestore
Let's create your own DB using the Firestore service provided by Firebase.
6. Build, deploy, and host the project
Host your own project by building and deploying it.
Q. Is it okay if I don't know HTML, CSS, or JS?
A. This course does not provide separate explanations for the above languages. You should have a basic level of knowledge to understand the course.
Q. I don't know React. Is that okay?
A. It would be helpful to have basic knowledge of React, but it is not necessary to take the course.
Q. What versions are covered in the lecture?
A. Most of the Firebase courses already on the market are based on V8. This course was written based on the latest V9 version as of 2022. Also, react-router-dom was worked on the latest V6 version.
Who is this course right for?
For those new to Firebase
For those who want to use Firebase for login and hosting
Anyone who wants to create a React project
Need to know before starting?
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으라차차 청춘 화이팅입니다! 😀
24 lectures ∙ (3hr 34min)
are provided.
What is Firebase?
Routing with React
Create Navigation
Create a login form
Implementing logout
Implementing login
Firestore settings
Save document
Import Document
Firestore query
Home screen styling
Build and Deploy