This course will help you use the hottest language, Rust. You will be able to overcome Python's GIL and create fast-running code.
Rust Basic Grammar
Developing high-performance Python modules using Rust
Were you interested, but had trouble getting started?
You can easily understand the core concepts of Rust through Python examples!
The author of " Learn Rust Programming by Comparing It with Python (Book Link) " published by Jaypub will be giving a lecture!
This course is taught directly by a current developer who has experience developing Rust projects. This is a proven course based on Rust seminars conducted in-house as well as numerous lectures given at universities and companies.
Basic Python grammar is essential for advanced knowledge! Multithreading and asynchronous programming in the latter part will explain the basic concepts, but it would be good to study them in advance.
The Rust ecosystem already has a variety of open source projects, from web frameworks to crypto. You can leverage these to start your own Rust project !
You can improve Python's slow processing speed with Rust. Rust Python bindings can solve the GIL bottleneck.
Q. Is Rust difficult to learn?
A. It is difficult if you study alone. But if you take this course, you will be able to learn easily.
Q. Is it possible to ask questions?
A. Of course, Q&A is "unlimited." And we will answer within 1-2 days at the latest, and if necessary, we are ready to help students by filming additional videos!
Q. Do I need to purchase the book separately?
A. We appreciate your purchasing the book, but the lectures will be provided with separate PDF lecture materials (not the book!).
Getting started with Rust
We'll walk you through installing Rust and setting up your development environment .
Introducing Rust's unique use of variables.
Learn how to declare and run functions.
Flow control
Introduces loops and match with if, for, and while.
Introducing Rust's flower, the concept of ownership.
Data Structures and Iterators
Introduces Rust's basic data types and how to use them.
Learn about structures.
Modules and crates
Learn about the modules and crates that make up a Rust project .
Learn about generics, which make Rust typing convenient.
Error Handling
Introducing a beautiful and elegant way to handle errors.
Smart pointer
Rust is a memory-safe language, but it also supports low-level memory operations like C/C++.
Introduces how to create and control threads.
Asynchronous programming
Introducing tokio and rayon, representative asynchronous frameworks for Rust .
We'll show you how to mock functions, structs, and write unit tests .
Python bindings
Introduces how to run Rust code in Python.
Teaching experience
Lecture materials are provided in PDF format.
You can always ask as many questions as you want about the lecture content. Questions are welcome!
Who is this course right for?
Anyone who wants to learn Rust
Anyone interested in high-performance/high-security programming
For those who already know Python grammar
Need to know before starting?
Python (you don't have to know it!)
58 lectures ∙ (7hr 12min)
Course Materials: