인프런 영문 브랜드 로고
인프런 영문 브랜드 로고



Celery with Silicon Valley Engineers

Master asynchronous tasks and distributed systems with Python Celery! Learn the essential skills and optimization strategies needed by everyone from beginners to experts, through a combination of theory and practice. The course covers a variety of topics, including installing, configuring, defining, and monitoring Celery tasks, and is designed to help participants become proficient in managing Python-based asynchronous tasks.

(4.7) 9 reviews

110 students


This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Celery

  • Backend offline pipeline

  • Django Celery Integration

Celery, a modern asynchronous task processing technology
Give your development career wings

Are you looking to level up your career with new technical skills? Become a master of asynchronous task processing with Python Celery. This course goes beyond simple coding skills to provide practical knowledge for solving real-time problems and building efficient backend systems. Strengthen your portfolio and become a leader in the new era of technology!

#Celery, #asynchronous work, #distributed processing, #Django, #django-celery, #django-celery-beat

If you are this type of person
Start right now

Asynchronous backend processing
Anyone who wants to know the method

Distributed processing method
Anyone who wants to learn

Anyone who wants efficient scheduling in Django

Why should you learn Celery?

  1. Improved asynchronous task processing : Celery makes it easy and efficient to manage complex asynchronous task processing. This can significantly improve the performance of your web applications.

  2. Easy to develop distributed systems : Celery is an essential tool for building distributed systems. It allows you to distribute tasks across multiple servers and coordinate the execution of tasks, increasing the scalability and flexibility of your system.

  3. Large-scale data processing : When you need to process large amounts of data or perform complex data processing tasks, Celery allows you to distribute tasks across multiple workers to reduce processing time.

  4. Task scheduling and monitoring : Celery provides the ability to schedule periodic tasks and monitor running tasks. This makes application maintenance easier and increases system stability.

  5. Community and Ecosystem Support : Celery has strong community support and offers a variety of plugins and extensions, allowing developers to easily implement custom solutions to fit their needs.

Lecture Features

Practice-oriented learning!

The course provides hands-on experience using Celery to handle asynchronous tasks and build distributed systems, through real-world case studies, in addition to theoretical knowledge.

Step-by-step instructions!

It explains Celery's basic concepts and advanced features step by step, making it easy for beginners and allowing experienced developers to expand their expertise.

Learning with Q&A!

If you have any questions or difficulties with any part of the lecture, you can ask questions at any time.

What you'll learn 📚

  • All lecture materials are in English . The lectures themselves are conducted in Korean and are designed to facilitate future overseas employment .

  • We provide PDF lecture materials (refer to each video learning material) and Github snapshot code for each lecture.

Introduction to Celery

The difficult parts are explained using images.

A detailed explanation of the theory of asynchronous task processing

Expected Questions Q&A 💬

Q. Why should I learn Celery?

Learning Celery is because it can maximize the performance and scalability of web applications through asynchronous task processing and distributed system development . This allows developers to manage large-scale data processing and task scheduling more efficiently, and improve the maintainability and reliability of applications. In addition, Celery's strong community support and various extensions help developers easily implement the functions they need and quickly solve problems.

Q. Is this a lecture that non-majors can also take?

Yes, the Celery course is accessible to non-majors, but requires basic knowledge of Django . The course focuses on how to use Celery within the Django framework , and guides you step-by-step through the concepts and application of Celery based on a basic understanding of web development. Through this, even non-majors can acquire the core capabilities of asynchronous task processing and distributed system development in Django-based applications.

It's good to listen together 🧑🏻‍🏫


Python Django Web Programming Taught by Silicon Valley Engineers
Everything you need to know about Python Django web development basics and practices that you can only learn from Silicon Valley software engineers! Don't miss the opportunity to learn web programming using the Python-based Django framework!. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to learn HTML and Bootstrap together so that even beginners can start web programming without any burden!

Things to note before taking the class 📢

Player knowledge and precautions

  • This lecture lab is set up with Docker. If you want to learn more about Docker, I recommend you refer to my free Docker lecture . Lecture link: [ https://inf.run/8eFCL ]

  • The Celery course is structured so that even non-majors can approach it , but a basic knowledge of Django is required before taking the course . If you have experience in web development using the Django framework, it will be of great help in understanding and applying Celery's asynchronous task processing and integration methods.

  • If you have any questions during the class, please feel free to leave them. However, since I am located in the western United States, it may take some time for me to respond.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Backend data processing

  • If you wanted to learn about Celery

  • If you want to do asynchronous work in Django

  • Anyone who wants to learn about distributed systems through Celery

Need to know before starting?

  • Django

  • Python

This is











💪💪💪 최고가 되고 싶다면, 최고의 강사에게 배워야 합니다 💪💪💪

안녕하세요. UC Berkeley에서 💻 컴퓨터 공학(EECS)을 전공하고, 실리콘 밸리에서 15년 이상을 소프트웨어 엔지니어로 일해왔으며, 현재는 실리콘밸리 빅테크 본사에서 빅데이터와 DevOps를 다루는 Staff Software Engineer로 있습니다.

  • 🧭 실리콘 밸리의 혁신 현장에서 직접 배운 기술과 노하우를 온라인 강의를 통해 이제 여러분과 함께 나누고자 합니다.

  • 🚀 기술 혁신의 최전선에서 배우고 성장해 온 저와 함께, 여러분도 글로벌 무대에서 경쟁할 수 있는 역량을 키워보세요!

  • 🫡 똑똑하지는 않지만, 포기하지 않고 꾸준히 하면 뭐든지 이룰수 있다는 점을 꼭 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 항상 좋은 자료로 옆에서 도움을 드리겠습니다




28 lectures ∙ (2hr 52min)

Course Materials:

Lecture resources
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