Teacher Runt was a loner with low self-esteem due to childhood obesity since childhood. A loner who couldn't even talk to the opposite sex succeeded in dieting and won awards in competitions as well as body profiles. This is a successful diet without yo-yoing. Teacher Runt will tell you the secrets of success that led to becoming a diet expert for 9 years.
How to diet properly
How to lose weight while eating regular food
How to diet healthily without yoyoing
Diet to lose weight by eating rice
Who is this course right for?
People who want to lose weight while eating regular food
For those who want to have a proper diet
For those who want to diet without yo-yoing
Someone who went on a diet by eating only chicken breast and sweet potatoes
People who want to enjoy a healthy diet and dieting
Need to know before starting?
Everything was explained in Mr. Runt's lecture.
Just bring your ‘earnestness’
If you are not desperate, please do not apply.
1. 3주 -3kg 다이어트반
여러분 안녕하세요
뱃살 빼드리는 런트쌤입니다.
소아&성인 비만이었던 런트쌤이
바디프로필&대회입상 하면서 얻었던 다이어트 방법들을 알려드릴게요.
9년차 PT의 경험을 통해 얻은
수많은 사례들과 지식들을 여러분들께 전달 드릴게요.
성공적이고 요요 없는 다이어트를 알려드리도록 하겠습니다.
2. 블로그로 월수입 200만원 늘리는 방법
여러분 안녕하세요
블로그로 부수입을 만드는 런트쌤입니다.
저는 처음에 먹방, 일기, 운동 기록으로만
블로그를 작성했고, 수입은 0원이었어요.
이후 블로그 수익화를 제대로 배우고 실행 하면서
현재는 월 수입 200만원 이상을 벌고 있답니다.
블로그 부수입에 관련하여
제가 알고 있는 모든 것들을 알려드릴게요.