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인프런 영문 브랜드 로고


Programming Language

Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Intermediate Part 2

Learn Java generics and collection framework in depth with a focus on practical use. You will also learn the basics of data structures.

(5.0) 377 reviews

6,988 students

Coding Test

This course is prepared for Basic Learners.

What you will learn!

  • Java Generics

  • Collection Framework

  • Data Structure

Ranked 1st in cumulative number of students enrolled in domestic development field
Kim Young-han's Practical Java Made Right

Just knowing Java grammar? That won't do!

Former Technology Director of Woowa Brothers, Cumulative Students Surpass 400,000
Why Kim Young-han created Java lectures


“I wanted to create a proper Java course that would create proper developers needed for real work.”

Learn Java Generics and Collections Properly

We have learned about programming fundamentals and object-oriented concepts (OOP) through the previous two lectures , "Java Introduction" and "Java Basics" . Based on that, in the previous "Java Intermediate Part 1", we learned about various intermediate Java functions.

In this "Intermediate Java 2" lesson, we will cover generics and the collection framework in depth.

  • Java Generics

  • Collection Framework

  • Basics of various data structures

Kim Young-han's Practical Java Roadmap

This lecture is the fourth lecture of Kim Young-han's Practical Java Roadmap , and is intended for those who have learned basic Java grammar.

The lecture "Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Intermediate Part 2" is

The importance of essential understanding

Rather than simply learning Java's syntax and features, we delve deeply into why those features are necessary and how they can be applied in practice.

A practical approach

Rather than simply conveying theories, it provides a step-by-step understanding of the necessity of Java technology through example code. In addition, through various examples, you can understand how each technology is utilized in practice.

Our goal is more than just grammar.

The goal of this lecture is to help you go beyond simply knowing the functions of Java collections to properly master the basics of data structures and be able to properly utilize the data structures needed for practical work. Through this lecture, we will teach you in depth the generics and collection technologies that are essential for practical work.

In the “Advanced Java” section that you will learn later,

The advanced version, which follows the intermediate Java version, aims to cultivate the capabilities necessary to explore best practices in actual work based on the Java fundamentals built through the previous series.

I hope that those who study this intermediate course will be able to thoroughly learn and utilize the contents covered in the course before deeply understanding and using a wide range of advanced technologies such as lambda, streams, I/O, networks, and multithreading.

Lecture Contents

  • Completes the overall Java generics and collections framework.

  • The goal is to deeply utilize generic/collection technologies required for practical use, rather than simple functions.


Generics in Java are really difficult to understand properly.
In this lesson, to explain generics as easily as possible, we will first write code without using generics at all.

And as you gradually introduce generics into your code, you'll naturally understand how generics can help you solve code duplication that was difficult to solve using traditional approaches.

Collection Framework

Java's collection framework is a collection of data structures .

In practice, data structures are used very frequently and are directly related to performance issues, so it is very important to properly understand and use data structures.

In this lecture, you will deeply understand the principles by implementing various data structures used in collections. Therefore, you will be able to properly understand the fundamental reasons why each data structure performs well and poorly in certain cases and utilize them in practice.

Understanding data structures

This lecture explains the basic theory of data structures so that you can properly understand data structures, and also implements core data structures frequently used in practice with code .



Hash Algorithms and Hash Tables (Hash)

Tree Structure

Set (Set) and Map Structure (Set, Map)

Stack and Queue Structures

In each chapter, you will learn about various data structures through theory and practical implementation. In this way, you will complete the overall Java collection framework and properly understand which data structure to use where .

“Rather than thinking about what more I should teach, I thought more deeply about what absolutely must be known.”

In this 'Kim Young-han's Practical Java Roadmap', my goal is to create a capable developer who has a solid foundation of basic skills necessary for actual work. I will help you become a Java developer who can ask the fundamental question, 'Why do we need this function?' and grow by applying it.

Recommended for
these people!

Who is this course right for?

  • Developer job seeker

  • For those who have studied Java but want to build a solid foundation

  • Developers who want to gain a deeper understanding of Java for practical use

Need to know before starting?

  • Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Basics

  • Kim Young-han's Practical Java - Intermediate Part 1

This is











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93 lectures ∙ (19hr 24min)

Lecture resources

are provided.

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