Review 1
Average rating 5.0
While preparing for a job change, I had many concerns due to my lack of knowledge and experience in circuit design. By chance, I took a lecture by Coach Sam, who is currently working, and I gained direction and confidence in circuit design. I haven't completed the assignment yet, but I think it will be a great help in writing a resume or preparing for an interview if I complete the assignment. This is a lecture that I strongly recommend to those who don't have a feel for digital circuit design. Thank you for the great lecture and advice as always.
Thank you for your course review, Junseok! I also had a time when I was preparing for a job change while working, and I know very well that it is not easy physically, mentally, or spiritually. ㅠㅠ In the future, we plan to prepare content for those who are changing jobs for new and experienced employees, and we will continue to increase the benefits for students. So, fighting! If you have any questions while changing jobs, let's prepare by communicating through the cafe!!