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인프런 커뮤니티 질문&답변

이문규님의 프로필 이미지

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[개정판] 딥러닝 컴퓨터 비전 완벽 가이드

tensorflow install 중 오류가 뜹니다.





ERROR: tensorflow 2.3.0 has requirement keras-preprocessing<1.2,>=1.1.1, but you'll have keras-preprocessing 1.0.2 which is incompatible.

ERROR: tensorflow 2.3.0 has requirement tensorboard<3,>=2.3.0, but you'll have tensorboard 1.13.1 which is incompatible.

ERROR: tensorflow 2.3.0 has requirement tensorflow-estimator<2.4.0,>=2.3.0, but you'll have tensorflow-estimator 1.13.0 which is incompatible.

ERROR: tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1 has requirement keras-applications>=1.0.6, but you'll have keras-applications 1.0.4 which is incompatible.

ERROR: tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1 has requirement keras-preprocessing>=1.0.5, but you'll have keras-preprocessing 1.0.2 which is incompatible.

Installing collected packages: keras-applications, keras-preprocessing, keras

  Found existing installation: Keras-Applications 1.0.8

    Uninstalling Keras-Applications-1.0.8:

      Successfully uninstalled Keras-Applications-1.0.8

  Found existing installation: Keras-Preprocessing 1.1.2

    Uninstalling Keras-Preprocessing-1.1.2:

      Successfully uninstalled Keras-Preprocessing-1.1.2

  Found existing installation: Keras 2.4.3

    Uninstalling Keras-2.4.3:

      Successfully uninstalled Keras-2.4.3

Successfully installed keras-2.2.1 keras-applications-1.0.4 keras-preprocessing-1.0.2

WARNING: The following packages were previously imported in this runtime:


You must restart the runtime in order to use newly installed versions.

답변 1


권 철민님의 프로필 이미지
권 철민


어디에서 어떤 버전을 설치하다 에러가 난다는 건지 명시해주시진 않았지면 GCP에서 전용 GPU서버를 사용하지 않고 Colab에서 tensorflow 1.13 downgrade시 오류가 난것으로 가정하고 말씀드리겠습니다.

colab에서 tensorflow 1.13 downgrade시 며칠 전부터 오류가 발생합니다. 이에 실습용 소스코드를 모두 수정하였고 강의 새소식을 통해 수강생 분들에게 모두 공지 드렸습니다. 아래 공지 사항 참조하시면 도움이 될 것 같습니다.



이문규님의 프로필 이미지

작성한 질문수
