Triangles in Action! Vulkan Intermediate
This course will help students understand the core concepts of Vulkan, enabling them to write code that effectively utilizes the GPU.
vulkan, spir-v, computer-graphics
Triangles in Action! Vulkan Intermediate
This course will help students understand the core concepts of Vulkan, enabling them to write code that effectively utilizes the GPU.
vulkan, spir-v, computer-graphics
Triangles in action! OpenAI Triton beginner
In this course, you will learn how to program kernels and develop PyTorch modules. You can use the knowledge you have gained to develop models faster.
Deep Learning(DL), Python, gpgpu
Triangles in action! CMake beginner
Are you having trouble using CMake? After taking this course, you too will be a CMake expert.
cmake, vcpkg, C++