We introduce the contents of 60 free online courses (MOOC) from Harvard University, edited using Google Docs and Wakelet. By experiencing Harvard University classes firsthand, you will experience liberation from academic inferiority complex through destruction of Harvard's icon.
How to Take a Variety of Free Online Classes from Harvard University
How to Obtain Various Online Certificates from Harvard University for a Fee
Study academic English by taking a variety of online classes offered for free by Harvard University.
If you have high school English skills, you can take this course!
Don't be afraid, take free online classes at Harvard University 🙋♂️
Lectures from world-renowned universities via the Internet
This is a course you can take for free.
Anyone with a high school level of English proficiency can successfully take Harvard University's free online classes, but it is unfortunate that people do not even try to approach them because of their fear of English, so I planned this course. This course provides content from about 60 free online classes (MOOC) from Harvard University, edited using Google Docs and Wakelet.
Improve your English skills
The general public that you want
A variety of majors
High school students exploring
Various vocational training
Ordinary people who want to experience
Who is this course right for?
High school students who want to explore Harvard University's majors
A college student who wants to take a major course at Harvard University
General public who wish to take Harvard University's career education and lifelong learning courses
General public who wish to obtain an online certificate in a major course from Harvard University
Need to know before starting?
Anyone with a high school level of English proficiency can successfully take this course.
숙명 여자대학교 역사문화학과 교수(2022 정년퇴직)
무크(MOOC) - MIT Press - 대학의 미래를 뒤바꿀 학습 혁명 - 조너선 헤이버 지음 | 김형률 옮김 - 돌베개 출판사 2016
이태리 피렌체 EUI 방문교수
미국 하바드 대학 Center For European Studies 방문교수
오스트리아 비엔나 대학 유럽현대사 박사
독일 마부르크 대학 서양사 석사
6 lectures ∙ (1hr 49min)