We have carefully selected only the most frequently asked questions from previous OPIC exams. We have included the most popular OPIC survey topics for test takers. Since the OPIC covers topics related to daily life, it is also helpful for learning English for daily life.
You can learn about the OPIC test process and procedures.
You can learn about OPIC test questions and combo types.
You can learn about the most frequently asked survey topics, sudden topics, role plays, and issue problems in the past two years.
You can learn easy-to-use, versatile answers and key expressions.
It also helps improve your English skills by covering topics closely related to daily life, such as traveling, watching movies, visiting hotels, shopping, and vacationing.
The Serial OPIc Level 2 (IM3-IH) course is the latest OPIc lecture that was created by analyzing 7,500 cumulative reviews from 130,000 OPIc test takers and developing the latest trend OPIc previous exam questions . It includes the most preferred OPIc survey topics by office workers, the most frequently appearing questions, and the most frequently appearing OPIc previous exam questions in the past two years, thereby increasing the probability of questions being asked and the hit rate, so that you can obtain the OPIc Level 2 (IM3-IH) grade in a short period of time .
Who is this course right for?
College students and working professionals who are taking OPIc for the first time
Candidates who continue to stay at IM1,2 level
Test takers who want to choose difficulty level 3 to 6
Test takers aiming for IM3~IH grades
오픽, 토익, 토익스피킹 등 영어 시험 온라인 강의 전문업체 다름에듀입니다.
- 대표 김용직
-오픽 주관사(멀티캠퍼스)에서 최초로 오픽 공식 교육업체로 지정되었습니다.
-오픽 도서 20권, 토익 도서 10권, 토익스피킹 도서 3권 등 총 33권 교재를 (공동) 집필 및 출간하였습니다.
-2021년 현재, 100개 이상의 대기업 및 공기업에서 다름에듀의 온라인 강의를 채택하고 있습니다.
21 lectures ∙ (3hr 18min)
Course Materials:
Hotel [Sudden Topic]
Shopping [Roleplay]